Congratulations to Gillian and Clive on the birth of Ashden! Ever since they bit each others fingers off we knew this was coming eventually!

Congratulations to Gillian and Clive on the birth of Ashden! Ever since they bit each others fingers off we knew this was coming eventually!
Sorry about the downtime issues — the IAM server just keeps overheating. It will almost certainly have to be taken down for a period later in the week to either move the existing internals into an improved case, or the software to a totally new box. I'll post information here of course but I'd recommend that if you have things like phone numbers stored only on IAM that you save them in case you don't see a notice (although I'd recommend that in general anyway).
I made a shrimp nasi goreng today, one of my favorite meals from childhood… I was recently asked how much these meals cost me, I guess in part because there's always decent seafood in them. I buy large shrimp, but I peel it myself of course, so at $7.99 for a big big of them it's probably about $3 a meal (so $1.50 a person) in shrimp, and then the veggies and everthing else, even if I'm lazy and use pre-made sauces, rarely brings it past ten dollars, so $5 a person…
Crepes are crazy easy (and fast) to make, but given that you can buy them flat packed at the grocery store for $8.99 a pair or something ridiculous, I'm guessing some people don't know that… Here's how I make them…
Flour and milk, 1:1 ratio.
One egg per cup of flour.
Spice with a dash of salt, some sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon.
Ladel the mixture into a medium hot frying pan that's been buttered (and I butter it between crepes as well to make them nice and buttery-crinkly). Flip it after about a minute and a half (you'll be able to tell by looking at it, at least after a couple tries).
A while back I posted a picture of a bamboo picture frame that I'd made. When I'm done this blind lizard painting, I'm going to finally get around to painting the tikikaiju, so I did a sketch for it this afternoon. Something like this I think…
A couple cups of lukewarm water with a little sugar or honey. Some yeast.
Let it activate, say four or five minutes.
Add some flour.
Spice the dough if you want to… today I used sea salt, pink pepper, dried sweet pepper, paprika, chives, and various other things. Or nothing if you prefer.
Mix in more flour, switch to kneading when needed, adding more flour as required to make it a solid doughball.
Knead it until it's not sticky and if you push your finger into it, the depression mostly bounces back out.
Let it rise for a couple hours.
Roll it into a pizza shape and put it on a pizza tray, cookie tray or whatever.
Preheat your oven to about 400 degrees.
Put whatever you like on your pizza.
Put it in the oven, preferably on a stone, but no big deal if you don't have one.
Bake it for 15-20 minutes.
Eat it.
I've been hearing more and more about how Iraq is intended to be a neverending war… to say nothing of upcoming war with Iran, and who knows what with Russia as tensions increase with Russia again flying nuclear bomber missions at the edge of EU territory. Insane. Just insane.
Like I posted a few days ago, if the major nations of the world simply cut back about 25% of their defense budgets, every person could have free food, free healthcare, and free university education without raising taxes. It's mind-bendingly sad and frustrating to think that we've collectively decided that pointless war is more important than food, health, and knowledge.
I cooked something a little different today — scallops in a cheese sauce with dill, green onion, and pea sprouts on rice. The cheese sauce was basic — a few tablespoons of butter with a few tablespoons of flour dissolved in it, and then about a cup and a half each of milk and grated cheese (add the milk to the butter/flour over medium heat and stir in the cheese when it starts to thicken), and the scallops were pan fried for a few minutes in a little lemon with the dill, green onion, and sprouts added about half way through the cooking. When finished this was added to the cheese sauce and then that was poured over the rice. Very simple…
We did some painting before supper as well…
Other than that I'm going to try and get to bed early today so I can get lots of work done on ModBlog tomorrow (among other things), having taken a short break from posting there.