I love getting mail!
…but how wrong (but how flattering) the person who sent this card is.

Drugs aren't cool though.
Winter hats on the other hand?

Other than that, I also got this card. Methinks the cartoonist may read BME/HARD.

I love getting mail!
…but how wrong (but how flattering) the person who sent this card is.
Drugs aren't cool though.
Winter hats on the other hand?
Other than that, I also got this card. Methinks the cartoonist may read BME/HARD.
I really like the Kavadi interview that Ego Kornus posted this morning.
Other than that I tried to do some experiments scanning paint and ink splashes on my ultra-cheap scanner. It doesn't have the resolution though to get a good enough scan for a splash to be usable though so I'm not wasting any more time on that. So I just turned it over and scanned the carpet. I assume that the “scratches” are artifacts of the scanning process (vibration artifacts maybe).
You know, it's funny, I'm (that tattoo will be finished in two weeks!), and all sorts of other things that most people probably find unpleasant, to say nothing of things like amputations… I think though that because I live in such a personal bubble in terms of what's “normal” and what's not, I may find other fetishes funnier than they really are?
YouTube porn in general is so funny.
My sister (HAVE YOU WATCHED AND RANKED HER MOVIE YET?) has been posting all sorts of amazing pictures from our childhood to her blog/website, and it's been an interesting — and somewhat difficult — experience. My favorite place that I've lived as an adult is Tweed, but when I look at these old pictures of the farm I grew up on, which I have only fleeting memories of, it brings me to the edge of tears at how beautiful it was and how sad I am that everything that was built there is lost to needless conflict… But at the same time, incredibly grateful that I had that wonderful childhood.
Still, I need to get back there; to a place like that, and more so, to a life like that. And I think a lot of people feel the same way; this gut knowledge that we're living wrong and there's a better life just around the corner… And I need Nefarious to experience that gift as well. Anyway, the full sized pictures are on Ashleigh's site but here are a few of my favorites.