Before I get into that, can anyone tell me why Paul Johnson was wearing US prison garb in his execution and hostage videos? (more, more)

As has been shown by the many sad interviews with the impoverished families of dead US soldiers, the majority of those dying are America's poor. They join the military machine often because they have no other way of escaping from poverty, only to discover that they've just traded one misery for another. Al Lorentz, currently stationed in Iraq, writes urging the draft be reinstated,
I find it patently un-American and unpatriotic to place the burden of war on a small stratum of society. War is a sad event that, in a great nation like the United States, should be shared equally.
There is the issue of whose children shall actually go and do the fighting and dying. I notice that the children of our political elite are not here with us in Iraq. We need to draft, right now, the children of every politician in our federal government and every executive in our military industrial complex. We must also draft the wife or husband of each politician and defense contractor.
They will be put into frontline combat units in the most dangerous areas. They could, for instance, be used as shock troops in operations like Najaf and Fallujah. After all, if it's good enough for our kids and spouses, it's got to be good enough for theirs.
These spouses and kids need to serve on a "first in, last out" basis. They will be required to roll up their sleeves and take the anthrax and other experimental injections and drugs that the soldiers do. They will go to war with the same equipment the rest of us use, and if there is a shortage of items like body armor, boots or uniforms, they will be at the end of the receiving line.
During war, those “helping the war along” with political action, supplying arms, gasoline, whatever, become monstrously wealthy while simultaneously living in total luxury and safety. With billions being spent on the war, every dead American soldier makes some company other million dollars. How is that right? Here's what I see: idealistic brave young people dying to make traitors rich, tricked with the aid of an ignorance the rich have worked very hard to ensure through the destruction of the rural economy, the school system, and every other tool of the people.
I was watching CNN yesterday and they were talking about some program the US government has started to help soldiers' familes donate money to properly supply the troops with the things they need… I guess it's no problem to come up with billions for Halliburton, but the men and women who are sacrificing their lives aren't worth that much. Does no one see how wrong it is to try and “trick” their equally poor communities into paying the bills that the government can't pay because they've already handed it all to wealthy buddies?