I wonder if I'm going to have to drive through this crap again today? As much as I don't want to, I need that data, and have to stay on top of them to ensure it's done properly*.

All this driving has really made me want to put a push back onto the voice interface. I'd love to be able to make audio posts (and video posts later) from the road. It's just a matter of time (to write it) and money (development tools, hardware, phone line for it, and anything I have to pay someone else to work on it). It's one of those “speculative” features, but I think it might be really good.
Well, as you know David Kay quit the WMD search (more), and the Pentagon and CIA have said that there's “little point” in continuing to look (more). Powell has gone so far as to say that it's possible had no banned arms of any kind (more), and even Bush has agreed to allow a “probe” into what happened (more) — although it won't happen until after the election. Gotta love that it takes these extremes to have investigations into war and murder, but when Challenger blew up, we had multiple independent inquiries announced within days… and you've got to really love that “accidentally” killing a ton of people (including Americans) based on lies isn't even as bad as getting your trouser snake surreptitiously sucked.
Anyway, it's been said that Bush is going to try and scapegoat the CIA (more), but other officials point out that all of the tainted intelligence ran specifically thought Cheney's office (more) and in some cases no source other than Cheney's office can be found. Thank God Bush has said that he doesn't have to read the newspaper or watch the news because he has people like Cheney and Condi to explain it all to him (more — click that link to see Bush tell Diane Sawyer how he doesn't want to read the news because it's too critical of him, and his aides only tell him the good stuff; this coming from the same guy who has the Secret Service quarantine protesters when he's around — more)… Even Halliburton describes Cheney as “a risk factor” (more) and wants to distance themselves from him.
I'd say Halliburton saying that Cheney is too evil to be friends with is strong evidence for the increasingly convincing case that Cheney is the anti-Christ or some other demonic embodiment.
PS. Is God Pro-War?
* Update: Big surprise, they didn't call back or respond to my emails. I had to call them, when they first said “you sent us an email saying the problem is resolved”. Then I say “no I didn't, read my email back to me”, and he does, explaining that they gave me the wrong files. Then I ask if they followed my instructions to manually grab the critical files before attempting the re-partitioning. They didn't do that either. Nice. Now they're going to try and stop that to email me the critical files.
Sometimes I feel like a food critic who's getting horrible service at a restaurant — you just want to say “look, you'd better consider giving me decent food, because whatever you do to me, I'm going to publish, and I have a very loud voice.” (But of course you can't, because then you not only risk it backfiring, but you get unrepresentational service).