Monthly Archives: November 2003


First, I should pass on that Orbax was injured last night during a fire show and hospitalized. As far as I know he's going to be OK, but send your healing thoughts… And I hope that people who see these acts do understand that they are very dangerous, and even experienced performers can be seriously hurt or worse.

I got to watch 28 Days Later a couple nights ago. I thought it was alright, but nothing special… A lot of people have drawn similarities between it and Dawn of the Dead or The Omega Man, but I was thinking and what it's really a knock-off of is the early 80's BBC version of Day of the Triffids (which you can bet the director is familiar with).

Well, off to do an image update. If anyone talks to Orbax please let me know how he's doing…

Update, 3:25 PM
Orbax was moved to a bigger hospital with a proper burn unit… It's not clear yet what the extent of the damage is or how long he'll be out of commission. He's up and walking around though and the folks at the hospital say he's strong

He's done a lot for this community, and I know there are a lot of folks here who'll rally behind him in a second.