Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Whenever things are going badly for me, they seem to always correct themselves into a better-than-before scenario pretty quickly. As you know, the t-shirt run for the BBQ looked like crap. The screens weren't lined up properly and it just didn't look good.
Anyway, the owner of the business came in to deal with it personally and I just got back from seeing the new screens and it looks great — everything is lined up perfectly and we're going to run it on half black shirts and half assorted colors — this design actually looks better on a light shirt in my opinion. They'll be first come first serve.
I was given the crappy shirts, so here's the price breakdown:
- Good shirts: $15 CDN (that's only $10 US)
- Crappy shirts: $5 CDN if you have also bought a good one, and $10 CDN if you didn't.
Cheap cheap cheap!
Anyway, here's the print on a light tan shirt:

I will to broadcast this message as well to those on the BBQ list, but here's what I'm sending, just in case someone only sees this page, not the instant message:
First some info on the BBQ shirts. They are $15 CDN ($10 US) for good prints on either black or assorted colors (first come, first serve). There are also misprints (all on black shirts) which I can sell you for $5 CDN if you buy it with a good shirt, or $10 if you buy it on its own.
Second, a few quick "rules":
1. Stay off the empty lot, it's not my property and it could get us in trouble.
2. Stay in the back laneway (not the side of the houses).
3. PLEASE put garbage and bottles in the garbage cans.
4. Don't hassle the crazy lady, let's not get the cops called!
I think that's it. The BBQ starts at 2PM (but come as late as you want) and goes till about midnight (when I'm sure it'll move to various hotel rooms and bars and clubs).
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
I want to put a tiki design on the next BBQ shirt… I can draw one I imagine, but I was hoping that someone else would volunteer to do this design. I'm looking for a tiki head loosly based on the BME logo. If anyone is up to it, please send ideas to Here are some very crappy doodles I just did. I am also very open to Mexican wrestler mask designs if anyone feels inspired on that path as well…

Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
Since people seem to be forgetting it lately, let me remind them that IAM is not an indie-rock or other youth culture site. It is a body modification site. If that's not your primary interest here and it's not what got you here, you are in the wrong place. I'm getting very very sick of seeing pages make it quite clear that the person involved doesn't give a damn about body modification (unless it's their star tattoo or old school design of the month which isn't really a tattoo — it's just a part of the “uniform” they've been tricked into wearing).

IAM is for the members of BME, and it's clear that it's moving away from that due to the influx of non-BME readers; users that moved over from other community sites, etc… Now I'm even having to deal with the fact that many of those people are buying memberships for their friends who have nothing to do with BME. I've thought about it for a while, and I've eliminated paid IAM memberships. Yes, it means I'll have to generate more revenue elsewhere to support IAM, but I don't need the headache of these idiots flooding the site.
If anyone has productive feedback on how to (a) keep these people off the site, and (b) generate the revenue required to support the site, please feel free to pipe up in the whatever forum… But I'm not interested in getting into a “but these members are good for the site” debate; this not a general community site. It is a “specialty” community site and I do not want it to stray from that.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002
There are some incompatibility issues with my display card on the new video editing box, so I can't capture properly — well, I can capture, but I can't really view it because it looks like static. I know it's working and the problem is display related because I can pull off stills fine… So hopefully tomorrow afternoon I'll have it back and can begin making a video — ahem — DVD — for this BBQ.
Thank you to Badur for being the first to send in pix from the BBQ (a sneak peek follows). I wanted to mention something really funny — you know how IAM assigns random filenames to uploaded images (ie. dfjecwex.jpg, etc.)? The photo photo of Derek is called “kutegaog.jpg” — does that make Derek some sort of caveman twink?