Wednesday, September 4, 2002
Just spent the last hour outside with the neighbors and with some really bitchy lawyers. Apparently when these houses were built, they were built on the right-of-way as well as on their own legal land. Now finally a contract has been landed for the empty lot — they went to the city and said, “we want to build sixty townhomes.”
“We can't give you a permit to build sixty,” the city said. “We can however give you a permit to build eighty.”
To build eighty townhomes they had to compact them together and push the designs right out to the edge of the lot. As such, the edge comes about six feet past the concrete wall that currently serves as divider, and about three feet away from the buildings here. And today they tell me they're building a concrete wall along that line.
The end result of that is that no cars can be parked anywhere here. They all have to be moved elsewhere in the next couple of hours. Not only that, but all the neighbors' garages must be demolished, including the concrete one on the corner, since it sits on right-of-way land.
Porsche: Ryan can take it for now.
Van: Dave can take it.
Audi: Has to go back to the dealership anyway.
Corvette: Park in a nearby lot I guess.
That said, I might stop them from building the fence. I suspect that if I call the police when they start building that it'll at least stall it for a week or two, by which point I'll be gone anyway. I'm not convinced that it's legal for them to blockade me in with only about three hours notice when I've been parking here for five years.
PS. This doesn't affect the BBQ in any way.
Wednesday, September 4, 2002
First of all, I should let everyone know that if you want a swanky Texas BBQ shirt there are still a few left — you can go to Allen's page and get one now. They're pretty cool, and there are even two styles. And hey, he has to sell the shirts to break even, so help him out if you can!
Anyway, on to my story.
So at about 7:30 AM this morning there's a knock on my door telling me to move the car. As soon as I do, they start dropping one ton concrete blocks. I call it “The Wall Of Spite” — there's absolutely no need for it other than to be bastards. It doesn't do anything but send a big “fuck you” to the owners of these five houses.
Anyway, I think we all know that this represents the final gentrification death of this community. The Bamboo has closed, the Duke of Connaught either just closed or is about to, and all the other old Queen West SoHo bars and restaurants are being chased out to make way for upscale yuppie eateries. The old residents are being chased west to make way for the townhomes with Jaguars.
I have to admit I thought it was really funny. They walled in my neighbor's car, and they actually had the gall to knock over my hippie neighbor's fence and wreck her garden (the parts that were not “legally” hers) and spray painted a fluorescent pink line across it and told her “no trespassing!”

Tuesday, September 3, 2002
It's so funny — a few of you have mentioned that my obsessed super-fans (anti-fans I guess) are planning a new anti-Shannon, anti-IAM, anti-BME, and anti-iWasCured shirt (and judging by the tattoo, anti-Martini as well — but Marty's like a brother and I don't mind if they get us mixed up!).
For those that don't know, here's the quick version of the story. About seven years ago, yttrx made fun of “Rave”'s implant on #bodyart (irc). Rave thought it was me that had made fun of him (even though at this point he must realize it was not me, but I guess he doesn't want to lose face by admitting he spent seven years obsessed over the wrong person), and started to become obsessed (eventually dragging along his girlfriend who's website that shirt page is on).
Then a few years later, he spent a while dating an ex of mine who spent their entire relationship telling him how much smaller his penis was, and I guess that twisted his head up in a knot that a sort of black-hole-of-anger radiated out from around him. Then my leaving the CoBM was the final straw I suppose and they both lost it. Funny from an objective point of view, but sort of sad and pathetic at the same time.

In any case, I think it's hilarious. That said, on a purely humanitarian level I hope [y] and Rave grow out of it one day — they're both intelligent people that have things to offer the world, and it's too bad they're just wrapped up with obsessing over me instead of going on with their own lives.
Now to start the actual editing on the video — five hours of raw footage, ack! I have to bring the footage down to about forty minutes tops I figure to make it fit nicely on a widescreen DVD (along with the 8/11/02 BBQ). I'm going to try and squeeze on as many of the older videos on as possible (they can be overcompressed I figure). The work will be totally worth it though — the footage is beautiful (thanks to the subject matter).
Monday, September 2, 2002
I think a good job was done by all having a blow-out final Toronto BBQ, at least as far as this place is concerned. I'm guessing it was about 120 people in all (it's so hard to tell — it may have been more). We shot a full five hours of widescreen DV footage, so as soon as I can I'll be editing that down.
The festivities included:
- The drinking of over two pounds of sugar (followed by the subsequent vomiting of that sugar)
- The drinking of several bottles of hotsauce (followed by the subsequent vomiting of that hotsause, followed by the eating of that vomit)
- Tons of portraits taken by Phil in the basement
- Having to chase away a “mockumentary” film crew sent to shoot by a crazy ex-girlfriend
- About a dozen (very hot) people in the pornorama room
- Some wild swinging from the tower followed by a very bloody forehead pull
…and a LOT more!
Anyway, I had an awesome time — thank you to everyone who came, you made a great party! I can't wait to see everyone's pictures, so if you post them, please drop me a line (via the Whatever forum) That's about all I have the energy to write right now, I'm still pretty wiped out. Here are four pictures from the BBQ, and I'll go clear my harddrive on the other machine now to make room to capture this footage for editing.