Saturday, September 21, 2002
Packing up of the final truck starts shortly — it's currently parked out front. If anyone of the regular helpers is available, the packing is at 2PM and help is certainly appreciated. I'll be offline since I'm packing the computer now, so feel free to give me a call or just stop by at two.
Let's hope I've written down all the info I need that's on this machine!

Saturday, September 21, 2002
Shortly I leave to go get the moving truck and I'll pack up everything that's left here. I did want to mention one link — this great interview with Scott Ritter where he shows how Cheney is lying and debunks many of the myths about Iraq's weapons program. Anyway, other than that I'm just working on the scrapbook — there sure are a lot of ModProm images! (This is only a few of them):

Thursday, September 19, 2002
Thursday, September 19, 2002