First, it's probably a good time to issue an important warning about the dangers of excessive drinking. I am fairly certain that this picture will illustrate my point. For some bizarre reason I am immune to hangovers on the whole so luckily I feel fine… Phil on the other hand…

I'm going to finish off my gallery tool today and then integrate it and make a couple test posts for you to check out, but before I did that I wanted to point you to one bodmod related news story that I think is a
giant load of bullshit
Other than that I will also mention that according to the Financial Times, neo-con forces are pressuring Bush for “regime change” in Iran (more), and that British and US special forces are preparing to go into combat with Iran (more). Reading the articles I think it's important to note the timing; right before the election. Given that the Republican party has already promised to make laying the cornerstone of the WTC monument the centrepiece of the GOP Convention (more), I think it should be abundantly clear that they're willing to politicize pretty much anything.
And I also want to remind people of this: If Bush goes to war with two nuclear-capable nations on the eve of the election, legislation is currently in place and is being strengthened that would allow for the permanent suspension of elections in the US and the replacement of the House of Representative by Republican appointees. I'm not even kidding about this. (more, more, more, more, etc…)
Since I haven't posted much here lately, I'll mention of course that the last of the WMD claims were totally debunked (more) — I want a full investigation into all of this, and when it's confirmed that Bush, Ashcroft, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the rest of the butchers were involved, they must be charged for war crimes and I hope they spend the rest of their lives behind bars. With the US goading Korea into war (more), and continuing to murder civilians in Iraq (more), and top-level agencies and officials in the US accusing each other of very serious crimes against humanity (more), I don't think it can be emphasized enough just how important it is to get these monsters out…
It's getting to the point where the word “American” is one of the worst insults you can use on a person internationally, and clearly the US government does not have the right to force that label onto “their” people.
So if you're not willing to raise arms and execute the bastards (j/k… right?), please at least register to vote, and actually go out and do it. Anyway, there are various forums on IAM on this topic that are probably going to be more useful than some foreign instigator's page (more).
PS. WTF is wrong with some people? According to the latest polling (more), 22% of Americans believe that Iraq actually used WMDs during the war…