BMEshop work… …aka drop out, tune in time

I'm currently in the process of not really re-writing, but patching all sorts of new (albeit largely behind-the-scenes right now) functionality onto BMEshop's software to allow for things like proper GST/PST handling, more clear separation of shipping subtotals and so on, as well as a better storage medium for addresses… When I get back in August I'll start going full-speed on getting the online billing complete (not too hard), but in the meantime I need to get all the backend stuff done.

Anyway, it's kind of embarrassing seeing just what an illconceived and badly designed piece of code that is… One day, one day soon I hope, I'll finally have the time to rewrite it. From a philosophical design point of view it's fairly good, and my “new version” (vaporware) is really beautiful, it's just that it was never well implemented because I was a pretty poor programmer in this department back then… I just feel like I have less and less hours in my days, and more and more hours of work to do. I don't think there's a single department that I haven't fallen a crippling level behind in.

Anyway, I'm doing my best to keep up on everything, but I know I'm not answering all the IMs that I should be. If I haven't replied to a message that's essential please do feel free to resend it, and please don't take it personally if I don't get back to you on stuff that's not 110% must-reply-to as I'm just really having time getting everything done.

Well, that's where I'll be in a few days on a working vacation that I suspect will be more than not filled with madly scribbling in my design notebook the volumes of work I'll be prophesizing for myself upon my return. I wonder… does one work more, or less, in a place like that?


I know it's not really that big a deal (“I'm not fazed I hang around big stars all day I don't see what the big deal is anyway you're just plain old Marshall to me”), but it's always fun to add celebrity photos. From the current update I'm working on:

Goooooood morning, July 29th

I have a whack of work to do right now as yesterday devolved at about 7 PM (no complaints) into bizarre sweet drinks and experimenting with air guns to see what we could make them shoot. But I just wanted to say that this terrorism “dead pool” is one of the most messed up things I've seen in a long time.

Basically, it allows “investors” to place bets on future terrorst events — you'd be buying and selling “futures contracts”. For example, if you say “Bush is going to be assassinated” and “invest” in that, you get a payout when it happens, with the US government taking their house cut of course. Others would bet on whether North Korea launches a nuclear missile strike on Los Angelese — if Los Angeles is vaporized, those people get rich.

The market opens for registration on Friday, with “investing” starting October 1st. $600,000 has been spent so far, with $3 million and $5 million being requested for the next two years of betting.

Here's the DARPA page on “FutureMap”, and here's the EFF mirror in case that's taken offline or altered (as other parts of TIA have been — what, you thought TIA had been dissolved? Think again).

Treat me as a hostile witness…

Here's the follow-up questions they sent me and my answers.

1) My theory is that body modification is part and parcel of an entire “tribe” or culture that exists within mainstream culture – a tribe with its own set of aesthetics, philosophies etc. Am I correct, or totally wrong?

You are totally wrong, but I can understand how it must be easy to operate under that misconception… Sort of like how many people assume “all blacks are alike” because they share a few obvious visual similarities. Of course, this is not true, and there is a massively wide set of ideas and personality types. Body modification is pervasive in all demographics.

But I think the reason we see this misconception is that the average person can't see past their own prejudices and self-worth issues. After all, most people seek to “look like everyone else”… Why shouldn't they assume that people who look the same think the same? It's all very sad — humans can be so much more.

2) If the answer is “sort of right,” (I'm assuming that there are more than one tribe practicing bodmod in western culture, just as more than one tribe practices it across all cultures) then who are these cultures, exactly?

It's not even “sort of right.”

3) What function does bodmod serve for its practioners? Again there are probably many answers – aesthetic, spiritual, as markers of “otherness” or marginalization, as sexual adjuncts, etc. Is there one primary function, or do all of these come into play to the same extent?

They all come into play, depending on the person.

4) I understand “pain with a purpose” (I've had two kids) but like most “mainstreamers,” I'm a bit puzzled by what appears to be the action of undertaking pain that has no obvious result – I'm thinking particularly of the really extreme forms (penile sub-incision, pocketing etc.) What's the point?

I think that's a somewhat ludicrous question that you're asking, and for subjective political reasons, not objective reasons. After all, when was the last time a women with breast implants was grilled, “did you just do it for the pain?” Not only that, but breast implants have a 15% rupture rate, making them (along with most other mainstream cosmetic surgery) hugely more dangerous than atypical body modification. People do this things because they like the effects of the outcome, not because they like having the procedure done.

5) Who do you think makes a good candidate for bodmod – and who doesn't? Are there people that you think just shouldn't go there, for whatever reason (too young, psycological fragility, etc.)

Free humans should engage in body modification and enjoy its rewards. Those who prefer to be slaves should probably play it safe and avoid it.

6) It seems to be that if you really become entrenched in the bodmod culture, you're really well and truly kissing mainstream culture goodbye. Is that the point? And how much do body modifiers value the shock value or impact that their practices have on the regular guy on the street? Does the shock/reaction value figure largely in many people's attraction to bodmod?

Mainstream culture is kissing itself goodbye with its shallow and self-destructive course, and to be honest, it's become decadent like the Roman Empire did as it fell, and cares less and less what appearance people choose for themselves. Sure, there are various neo-con groups having a knee-jerk reaction to body modification, but they're not the norm.

In any case, a person who gauges their self-worth or success by ability to “fit in” is a person who will never achieve anything in life.

7) Why do you do it? What's in it for you? What have you had done? How far are you willing to go? What does it give you – I'm looking for real specifics: a rush, a high, a sense of control, aesthetics, a political statement, etc. Anything and everything you can give me would be great.

I think it's very sad that people who make decisions outside of the mainstream — that is, for themselves, not just because they were in effect forced to “to fit in” — are somehow expected to go to great lengths to validate their behavior through complex explanations. Can you really answer why you look the way you do? Why isn't “because I like it and it feels good” enough?

8) Finally, how are your personally positoned vis-a-vis mainstream society? I assume you're not serving coffee at Starbucks – I could be wrong. Is your interest in bodymodification a consequence of your own internal and external situation; or did you get into on a whim and then liked it so much that it became your dominant interest? (if it is).

Well, Starbucks won't hire people with piercings, so instead I formed my own IVR (Interactive Voice Response) corporation. As a result, I've got a net worth in the millions and two Porsches sitting in my driveway — those people at Starbucks who refuse to hire “people like me” can kiss my a**. I'd also like to point out that 60% of entrepreneurs are highschool dropouts. When you exclude people from a system, instead of becoming “failures”, many choose instead to create their own new system, and often this new system is superior to the mainstream one.

August is a strange month with shifted days

I'm off to the gym shortly, and then when I return I'll have to go into high gear for a few days to make sure everything is done before I leave… Anyway, an in the news update follows.

Five US soldiers were killed by guerrilla attacks this weekend as the death count contiunues to escalate (more) — but don't talk about these deaths, even if they're family… “loose lips sink ships” (more). Anyway, no worries about those five dead Americans — five civilians got killed in return (more). Oh wait, that means more terrorism (more) and guerrilla attacks (more). Ooops. Bang. Three more civilians dead (more).

Anyway, according to Wolfowitz, Americans don't care when their sons are daughters are killed in Iraq (more)… BOOM (more). Sorry, ignore that. You know it's “worth it”, right (more)? Ca-ching (more)!

Canadians - A bunch of pot-smoking, pinko, wimp nancy boys who marry their best friends and refuse to obey orders from the Great White Father in Washington. (more)

On one side you've got the liars and crooks (more), and the other side that small number with a semblance of honor left over (more)… it's quite fascinating to watch who chooses which side. And while I'm glad to see Rice go down for her treason (more), in some ways I feel worse that they're forcing their “easy target” (ie. a double political minority — black and a woman) to take the fall.

And you've got to love crazy old philanthropists; this full page ad (more) is being run by George Soros, including the following quotes:

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us."
Vice President Dick Cheney,
Speech to VFW National Convention,
August 26, 2002

"The evidence indicates that Iraq is reconstituting its nuclear weapons program."

President George W. Bush,
Cincinnati, Ohio,
October 7, 2002

"Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent."

President George W. Bush,
The State of the Union Address,
January 28, 2003

Anyway, North Korea says its getting ready to actually start testing nuclear bombs (more) — if that happens, things will really get crazy, because I think much of the world assumes that North Korea is bluffing on this whole nuke issue. Oh, and don't forget — just like al Qaeda, Saddam Hussein, and just about every other “problem” that the US is facing right now, guess who made North Korea (more)?