Thursday, September 11, 2003
We, students at Westerburg High, will die. Today. Our burning bodies will be the ultimate protest to a society that degrades us. Fuck you all!
Ah, angst… I thought a bit about things I miss from days gone by. One of the things I really miss, more and more I think, is doing live radio — a long time ago I did five hours a week of it. I know it's not a lot, but it meant a lot to me. It was the Dilaudid Glide show. BMEradio was a lot of fun too, but it was produced, somewhat edited, and definitely not live… not the same thing. I think it's more real when it's live, it has something more.
If I'm able to, I think my resolution for BME in 2004 is to try and start working on not only raising BMEradio from the dead, but doing it totally live, including call-ins and the whole deal. I was thinking of two shows that might be fun; the first would of course be a BME show akin to what I did with BMEradio, but I think it might also be good to do an IAM show, just talking to different people here about things they're doing; there are a lot of people with fascinating lives.
Anyway… I do have some gear of course, but I'm out of touch with doing it live other than what I'd need to do broadcast (and I will do Internet of course). I assume I'd run a Shoutcast box or something, but if people want to suggest (a) software for doing the DJing, mixing, etc., and (b) hardware solutions for doing the call-in aspect, please do post your advice in the Whatever forum.

Thursday, September 11, 2003
As some of you may know, in America, not only is it illegal to smoke pot, but it's also illegal to sell bongs and pipes because they might be used to smoke pot by the purchaser. Anyway, Tommy Chong (of Cheech and Chong) just got sentenced to nine months in federal prison and a $20,000 fine because his name was on a bunch of bongs (more). Doesn't the US government have anything better to do than spend a fortune hassling old hippies? And it gets better. Ashcroft and Bush want these types of crimes to get the DEATH PENALTY through a combination of redefining of “drug dealing” as “domestic terrorism” and the assigning of new death penalties to “fight terror” (more).
PS. And yes, I know you can buy bongs everywhere. All of those people are at risk, and it doesn't matter if it says “tobacco bong” on the label. Also, even legitimate artists and glass blowers that rarely even make bongs are being raided and shut down. This isn't called a drug war for nothing you know. Oh, and yes, I also realize that this isn't a right-left thing; Clinton is the guy that told doctors they'd lose their license if they prescribed medical marijuana after all, and most of the impending Democrats are promising to continue the war… Hell, even everyone's favotire “lefty” candidate Dean has called for more funding for the war on drugs, and has also blocked medical marijuan laws.
Oh, and I'll also note that if the US legalized pot, it would make at least $23 billion dollars a year in new tax money for the US to improve life for Americans (more), to say nothing of the $10 to $20 billion that could be cut from the drug war budget, to say nothing of how much safer it would make America, to say nothing of the hundreds of thousands of harmless people who'd no longer be in prison, and so on and so on. Of course, all that money eventually flows into the hands of the wealthy so maybe that's the whole point… It always comes back to class war, doesn't it?
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Is this spam, or is some girl telling people her email address is I don't think I know anyone with that name, or ever have… and it's definitely never been a valid email address for anyone at BME.
From: "Toney Revolt" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 22:44:03 -0700
yeah so i can't call long distance so u gotz to call me. yeah???
847 312 9491
btw yr pic on the profile is hoooot.
and i'm down with piercing if you don't got no one else.
Trrouble T
-- Everytime i hear the word 'culture'
i release the safety catch on my 9mm--
Thursday, September 11, 2003
It kills me to link to a diaryland page ;-) but check out what typealice is up to in Africa! It's amazing how much Africa looks like the Caribbean… Africa is just such a mystery to people living in North America, I had no idea what to expect when she told me she was heading there.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
These photos are now over seven, maybe eight years old. I can't believe so much time has gone by… Bizarre published it on the cover of their premiere issue about six years ago.