Monday, September 15, 2003
You know, at my core I'm just a quiet guy that likes looking at trees and mountains, hanging out with his friends, and making sure everyone feels alright… But you take that away, and you're left with an empty shell of a psycho sitting in some dive in Saigon eventually blowing his brains out in a game of Russian Roulette for pay. The scary thing is folks that it's one tiny decision that guides you to either being happy in the wild, or lying in a pool of your own blood… and the decision won't even mean anything at the time (and it'll probably even seem like a good idea), so try and play the game well I guess.
Some day you'll find yourself looking up at the stars, all in the wrong places, and you'll wonder if some cosmic joker whacked your soul with a sledgehammer and sent you careening into the universe next door. Don't ask me what this entry means. I'm a poet and a painter, occasionally masquerading as a programmer… As far as I'm concerned it's all just music. What it means is up to the listener.
I took these pictures this evening:

Other than that I've decided to stop eating for a while. Not fasting or anything. It's just that when I'm travelling, I can't eat a regular diet and I have to or I get really sick and it's catching up to me. So I'm just going to quit for now and start again when I have the time to do it right I suppose.
Monday, September 15, 2003
Monday, September 15, 2003
The tongue splitting shirts just came into stock.
Monday, September 15, 2003
I don't know if people have been following how the “PATRIOT” act has been applied, but this “stop terrorism” act is being used in increasingly broad cases with less and less to do with “terrorism”. For example, the act defines chemical weapons as any substance that has the capability to cause serious injury. As such, they're doing things like charging people making meth labs (about a six month sentence usually) with terrorism and the manufacture of chemical weapons (which gets twelve months, plus they can bypass traditional checks-and-balances in the investigation and prosecution — and if Bush's new legislation goes through, the death penalty).
In another case, a guy who's homemade pipe-bomb blew up in his lap was charged with terrorism using a “weapon of mass destruction”. Anyone here that's ever built pipebombs knows that if it blows up in your lap and doesn't kill you, it's not much of a WMD. It's also been used to go after telemarketers, and even to start files on anyone who's protested the war in Iraq, since anyone who objects to war is of course a potential terrorist (didn't you know, most terrorists are also pacifists?)… (more, more)
That said, Bush and the Cabal have been very clear; this isn't enough. They don't just want to be able to give drug dealers and potential financiers of terrorism like telemarketing con-artists prison time after show trials — they want the death penalty, as well as the elimination of bail. In addition, they want to make it so federal agents can issue their own subpoenas without a judge's approval — because they say that the judges are slowing down the legal system and need to be phased out (more).
Sunday, September 14, 2003
Here are some more pictures from my day. I don't know how long I'm going to be around here, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months, maybe more. Everything is in flux. Oh, as a point of trivia the first picture is the front yard of a house I'm thinking about renting for a little while.

In other news, I have one person freaking out at me for using the word “rape” in the sense of “emotional rape” saying that by doing so I somehow “belittle” anyone who's been raped for “real” (ie. violent/phsyical) by misusing the word… They didn't seem to understand that first, emotional rape is very real (click that link and find plenty of court cases, self help sites, and so on), and second, rape does have more than one meaning — ever heard expressions like “rape of the English language” or “raping the environment“? Other than that, I've got another goofball threatening to do anything he can to hurt me (“my mother is a lawyer”) because he was removed for multiple violations.
It's funny… People are all buddy buddy, and then they think they can break the rules, and then when they find out that they can't, the threats start a-flying. Oh well. In any large crowd there are good people and there are bad people. I still think this particular crowd still has more good than bad — it just sucks that I happen to be the target for the bad ones. I guess at least I get to see people's “true colors” more than most do.