Take me to your leader

I've talked about Titan (one of Saturn's moons) here before as a possible place for non-Earth life in this solar system. Earth is a water-based biosystem, and the Earth exists at the tri-point of water — water simultaneously exists in solid, liquid, and gaseous form here. Titan on the other hand is at the tri-point of methane (an energy-rich organic substance); the surface has long been thought to be convered in methane lakes and methane icebergs, evaporating into methane gas — an ideal environment for life. Recent radar scans (more) confirm it… I have to admit I'm very much looking forward to seeing the results when ESA splashes down its Huygens probe in January of 2005.

Along those lines you may remember just over a year ago (more) when I mentioned the possibility of life on Venus as well (here's another link on that). In November of 2005 the Venus Express probe launches to investigate that further… These are exiting times to be alive — we're watching civilizations crumble, cultural and spiritual revolutions, and perhaps even mankind's solid realization that we are but a tiny piece of a gigantic living universe.

I'm sure things must have seemed exciting in the Renaissance as well, but I sure am glad I'm alive today. Of course, I'm pretty sure that by the time I'm a hundred I'll be wishing I'd been born seventy-five years later! Rachel says that all my recent photos make me look older than I actually look… Maybe I'm seventy-five already?

Shoe betiimal or hetiimal eh?

I haven't been posting on this subject much lately (too much “real” work), but the latest thing blown up in Israel by a suicide bomber is the Maxim Restaurant in Haifa (more) — twenty people killed, fifty injured. Now, I'm definitely sympathetic to the cause of the Palestinians and I understand why they're desperate enough to launch these types of attacks. However, why blow up a restaurant that's jointly owned by Jews and Arabs? Seriously. If your goal is peace and some level of unification, then things like jointly owned businesses should be a symbol of a better future.

Oh right.

I forgot.

No one wants peace.

Along those lines, I wanted to mention another story on how US troops are getting screwed over by their employer. OK, you know how even if you're on active duty you get occasional two-week vacations to cool off and recouperate? After all, a two year tour in Iraq must be hell.

Well, tough luck for all but the wealthy.

US troops in Iraq are being expected to pay for their “vacations” (more). That is, if they want to go to Spokane, WA to see thier kids, or just to Budapest to party, they have to foot the bill. If not, “have fun on your vacation in Tikrit.” Feel free to take a look at expedia.com and see how much it costs to fly home commercially from George Bush International Airport in Baghdad…

Either offer vacations or don't. But telling troops that only those from rich families (it's not as if a military grunt wage covers this stuff) can go home on vacation is pretty messed up…

A spelling error on my page? That's unpossible!

So some of you may have been receiving mail from a member who was removed yesterday saying that they were kicked in part because I erroneously claimed they stole your picture. Let me be very clear — their page did have stolen pictures … but it wasn't your picture that they stole (even though your email is probably claiming that). To be simple, they are lying to you.

They then go on this goofy spiel about how IAM is “a blue, sad, greedy, controlled, and obscure place where nobody can share with real freedom and where those who stand for alternative values are controllers of free information and communication under a false mask” and that “when they tell you IAM is a place for self-expression … self-identity … the underground community … [and] a place for communicating with other people don't trust them.”

This all because I wouldn't let them run a page exclusively for promoting their website and driving traffic to it (which they don't deny). Anyway, so now they've got this silly letter-writing campaign to badmouth IAM because I'm the man apparently, dedicated to oppressive rave culture or something. Whatever. Old geezer says, “I was doing independent radio when you were still in grade school.” I can't particularly take seriously the claim that I'm stopping anyone from being themselves, so if someone feels that way I'm really quite glad they're gone.

On the video editing box I mentioned earlier, I think I'm going with a P4 solution built around Avid Xpress Pro, an Avid Mojo, and a terabyte or so of drive in a FireWire 800 enclosure. It's not going to be too insane or top-of-the-line… I'm focusing more on building an ulra-stable solution over something that's blazing.

In other “as seen on this page” news, Josh pointed out something funny about the asteroid story — they were very specific in mentioning “we do not believe this asteroid was man-made”. Yeah, that's where Saddam's WMDs are, right? Seriously, what kind of age do we live in that people need to be told that asteroids aren't a weapon being launched at them.

Why do I feel like we're living in the world of Starship Troopers?

Finally, I picked up a few CDs lately in preparation for BME/RADIO going back on the air. They're not all new music, but I've been out of touch for the last year in that department. Anyway, of the CDs I got, here are my picks and notables (not that a repressed dude like me knows anything about music):

  • Mojave 3 – Spoon and RafterSlowdive and what grew from it are my favorite bands, partially on account of imprinting (the first time I did acid, Losing Today was the first song I heard). If you like the slow-mo folk/country* direction that Mojave 3 was taking before it broke up, then definitely pick this up… and there's even some theremin on it. Highly recommended.
  • Lupine Howl – The Bar At The End Of The World … My favorite track of theirs was/is Voodoo Raygun off 125, and not so much the heavier psycherock stuff. On this CD they move away from sounding like Spiritualized (they're made up of kicked out members or something) and most of the tracks are kind of psychedelic folk. To be honest, I'd either pick up an older album or wait for their next one.
  • The Black Heart Procession – Amore Del Tropico … I think I'd buy this CD for Why I Stay alone, but I'm a sucker for mellow guitar tracks out of dingy Western bars a la the Pink Room in Twin Peaks. A Cry For Love is brilliant as well I think.
  • Múm – Finally We Are No One … Best album yet I think (of theirs)… If you're into ambient dreampop, and are into Bjork-like lyrics be sure to check out Green Grass Of Tunnel.
  • Antipop Consortium VS Matthew Shipp … I'm not sure that I would recommend this per se, but if you're a music nerd you might enjoy a CD that's a blend of traditional jazz and hip-hop… Definitely not something you hear every day. Along those lines I also picked up the latest from El-P, Aesop Rock, and Cannibal Ox which are probably more accessible.
  • Rjd2 – Deadringer … Oh my god. The opening track (The Horror) is amazing — imagine Dr. Octagon split with Royksopp. That said, I didn't think the rest of it was as good.
  • Godspeed You Black Emperor – Yanqui U.X.O … Typically impressive, but typical. It sounds like every other GYBE album. Luckily I like the way they sound! I also picked up the latest from Low, Notwist, and Sigur Ros which have the same story.
  • Iron & Wine – The Creek Drank The Cradle … If you like stuff like Palace, Mojave 3, and Leonard Cohen you definitely want this CD. It's one of the better folk CDs of last year in my opinion.

Like I said, the server for that has been ordered, so the clock is ticking. A couple of people have asked me here about doing their own shows — I haven't replied to those messages yet, but unofficially, yes, if you want to do a show and it's legal (ie. you're not just using it to broadcast stolen MP3s), I can probably offer you free hosting, especially for spoken word content.

The shoutcast software is free, so all you need is a mic and an internet connection. Drop me a line if you want to do a show. The truth is a virus! Talk hard!

* I see a lot of people on their page saying “I like all music… except country” (of course, many of these people also had a conniption when Johnny Cash died, so I understand they're only saying that because it's the cool thing to say). But honestly, give it a chance.


I figure that all lives have a moral. Even if you're not a person where one day you realize that everything you've done in life is leading you to one event, one momentous cataclysm that will define you and perhaps more, there still is a moral.

I was thinking that the moral of my life so far, both in stories that turn out well, and stories that don't turn out well, is seize every opportunity that comes your way. Every time I've done it I've been rewarded, and every time I've let it pass me by I've regretted it. So go for it!

Of course, the real trick is being able to tell opportunities apart from deceptions, isn't it?

So I was in town today putting the NEFARIUS plates on Rachel's Toureg (if you're wondering where the O went, I used it on my face… j/k, there's an eight letter limit) and at the license bureau I was approached by a friendly looking portly woman with a big smile.

“Shannon Larratt?!?”

Uh…. Yeah….?

“It's Anne XXXX! From highschool?”

I'm sorry, I really have no idea who you are. I have a memory disorder and really can't remember anything from highschool, let alone yesterday.

“I married your brother…”

It's news to me, sorry. I really can't remember things like that. I really don't have any memory of highschool.

“Well, it's probably for the best.”

She figured out pretty quickly that I had zero interest in talking to her or being helped to remember who she was and wandered off. Anyway, on to why my satellite cut out. We'd actually cancelled the service a bit over a month ago (to end October 1st), but since we're back for a while, I'd called a week or two ago to “cancel the cancel”… but today it cut out, so I called customer service to find out what was up.

“You asked for it to be cancelled on August 28th, so I'm not sure what you're complaining about.”

Yeah, but I also called in to uncancel it.

“You can't call about things like that. You have to email. Unless you sent an email or a fax it doesn't uncancel it. It doesn't count if you phoned it in.”

No one told me that when I called in. Check the notes on my customer record and tell me what it says please. I was assured everything was fine and no one mentioned this “must email” deal.

“It says 'customer called on September 20th to request cancellation be cancelled and service be continued'. But I don't see anything about an email.”

So why did you cancel my service then? I mean, wouldn't that at least warrant that you call me and confirm before cancelling?

“Well, on August 28th you asked for it to be cancelled. What did you think would happen?”

(this repeats a few times)

OK, look, what do I have to do to get this thing working again?

“Will you be paying the re-connect fees by VISA or Mastercard?”



First, I've fixed the personals bug that was transmogrifying tattoo artists into cutters. Second, I've added a few more quick searches to the system, including:

  • Women seeking women
  • Women seeking men
  • Men seeking women
  • Men seeking men

I should note that these searches are gender inclusive, so they do include couples and transgender individuals. If you don't want that, you can easily create your own search of course.

Also, I tried to implement WAP functionality, but it turns out my phone can only see HTML… Not WAP! Maybe that's the case with most new phones, I don't know. If there are a lot of people I can add WAP support, it doesn't look hard, but I'd have to pick up another phone (they have a 30-day return policy).

Finally, I watched some of Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner) last night. For those that don't know, it's an all-Inuit movie produced in Nunavut, Canada. I think it's probably the first ever Inuit-language film. It was a little weird because Inuit storytelling is so different from what we use in the south, and to be honest it was fairly obvious that they didn't use actors (it's not like you can find a lot of acting experience in Nunavut). But I hope they produce more.

But the reason I mention it here is that the movie was packed with authentic (if not real) facial tattoos: