I won't talk about by who, that doesn't matter, but I got accused earlier today of stealing the HOLY shirt design — which is totally lame of course and utterly untrue.
I sent in an idea like your Holy shirt to Ryan on friday oct 3rd. It was this ( Also for the above one you could just do a pic of Jesus (cartoon style kinda like an old school tattoo) Have his hands have barbells thru them as well as his feet, a few facial piercings, some tattoos, and maybe some brandings. The bottum of the shirt would say IAM Holey, or IAM Modified. ) He sent me an email back saying he filed them away. I still have these emails. It just kinda seems like its a rip off of my idea.
First of all, I never saw those particular ones — Ryan and I are not in fact the same person. If we were, I (or him) would have a world of explaining to do to Corrie and Rachel! Now, that's not to say I haven't been sent a dozen variations on these general ideas from a dozen different people over the years…
Second, the idea of doing a crucifixion piercing is old news. I've documented it on BME, and it's existed in sideshow for at least a hundred years.
I just thought it took some nerve to accuse me of stealing this. It's kind of like these patent companies that watch tech trends, and try and find ideas that aren't yet patented (but are in use by others). They then patent them in some vague and meaningless sense, and then try and make money by suing people.
So the recent mayoral race in Toronto has got me dusting off one of my old projects — which as many of you know I wanted to run for mayor on — that I like to call
This isn't just good for Ontario and Toronto — it's also good for Canada. Because present Ontario contains an unfair amount of economic, financial, and geographical power in comparison to other provinces. The split would balance that without taking anything away from Ontario's citizens.
Even without Toronto, Ontario still has a huge range of needs and a wide demographic. Because of that, I would mandate that the province run a “distributed government” — rather than putting all the power in Toronto like there is now. Right now my pet idea is to put one capital in Kingston, and the second in Thunder Bay or one of the other northern cities. Each assembly floor would contain a massive video wall — a virtual window into the “other half” of the government. It would act as one, but not be constrained geographically.
Maybe I'm asking for civil war with this idea, but I'd like all people in Ontario to feel like they have direct and local representation. To further this idea, I would not place all of the ministry offices in a single area unless they need to be — I'd dot them all over the province. I believe that this would bring far more power to the people by integrating them geographically into the political process. Video conferencing would be encouraged for meetings, and these would be publicly archived whenever possible in order to keep government open (ie. a side-effect of this process is to make a very “open-source government”).
I assume it's obvious what the benefits are to Toronto itself — it would be able to invest purely in urban infrastructures. When you think about the needs in terms of power, transport, education, and other things that are provincially controlled, any fool can see that Toronto needs something different than the rest of Ontario — by being able to make decisions that are good for it alone, it empowers both itself and Ontario.
Anyway, I think it's a good idea universally that any major city could do — maybe the State of NYC?
I also wanted to mention an interesting piece of political trivia regarding the Ambassador Wilson revenge-leak (where someone in the White House “outed” his wife as an undercover CIA operative, thereby endangering her, twenty years of work, and national security).
The act of leaking an operative like that appears to violate (more) section 802 (more) of the USA PATRIOT ACT. Now, where it gets interesting is that Bush is calling for the death penalty on that part of the act (more)… so we have to ask ourselves — does this mean that someone in the White House potentially faces execution?
Oh, and why is the Bush administration continuing to block all investigation into 9/11? (more).