As I'm sure many of you know, there is such as thing as a “military family” where both parents are employed by the military, and it's not all that uncommon. Many of these families of course have children, sometimes young children. The Gauthier family for example has three children — a two year old, and 7-month-old twins. The father is already in Iraq (since last April) and isn't coming back any time soon. The mother has been ordered to leave in March — either go to military prison for desertion, or put your kids in foster care and serve your country they tell her (more)… Seriously, how screwed up is it that now they're taking away the children of the troops?
And what a background it's up against. Iraq is still a mess (more). Christmas saw eight US soldiers (or more) killed in Iraq, and if the ratios stay constant, that would include 160 or so casualties from injuries as well (more), not that you'll hear much about those casualties from the media (more). Then of course there's al-Qaeda's latest dire “warning” (more) to the infidels:
"[The Americans] should prepare their coffins, hospitals and graves. The coming days will be full of surprises and great events which will make them a historic example."
You know, if they had any sense, here's what their message would read. Covering it with psycho rhetoric isn't helping convince people they're not simple religious nuts… They are not explaining their case clearly to Joe Normal:
"Let us be clear. American forces are occupying our land, destroying our way of life, and stealing our property. If all US military are not out of [insert country here] and all US oil drilling does not cease in [insert country here] within 3 months we will be forced to retaliate. American citizens will feel the same pain that [insert country here] citizens feel because of the US actions."
All this stuff about Allah isn't helping anyone “get it”. It's preaching to the choir!
Anyway, the US of course canceled a bunch of Air France flights a few days ago, and is now seeking the 13 missing passengers, all on “terrorist watch lists” and some with pilot's training (more). The US says that they do not believe they have stopped all of the attacks — after all, their invasion of Afghanistan and then Iraq has provided al-Qaeda with a massive army and popular support. The “back breaking” attacks on the US are expected to happen by the end of January.
So until then, be very very afraid, and always vote for Bush.