Golf isn't that important!

I, for one, welcome our new tribble overlords.

Seriously, as I understand this a la Kudzu and Australian rabbits and so on, this really could balloon out into something terrible. It's been long known that this type of genetic modification is capable of jumping between plant species in the wild, so even if your golf course is weed-free (and pesticide soaked) for a couple years, at the end of that period, you find yourself overrun with weeds that even Agent Orange can't touch… Which then overrun and potentially fatally imbalance your ecosystem.

The destroyer of worlds…

2004/04/10 10:08 I keep reminding people of this, but North Korea is still a ticking time bomb (more), again threatening a nuclear catastrophe. The problem with North Korea, in my eyes, is that it's a fundamentally uninvadable country. We literally can not stop North Korea from building nukes or anything else they feel like doing — their military is literally larger than all of Europe and the United States and Canada added up. That's in terms of raw manpower, including special forces.

What that means is that if North Korea ever does erupt (and it could stay squawking chicken forever, but I doubt it), it can be played in one of two ways — first; massive invasion force, requiring the draft and probably the death of 1,000,000 American troops at a minimum. The other option is to level the country, border to border, using America's enormous nuclear arsenal. AGAIN I SAY: FOLLOW THE MONEY. That's how you see the future. The big military money is still being spent on big weapons for big war.

Busy day

My task list today:

  • Return my video editing station for a new motherboard.
  • Groceries.
  • Image update.
  • Design NTSC –> LED wand rendering hardware.
  • Start roughing out flight sim software to help write microcontroller code for mapping robot.

Oh, and arranging travel plans to go visit my old home:

It's weird…

For some reason, the Raelian April Fools article keeps generating mail. I don't know how or why, given that it says pretty damn clearly that it's a parody, and even explains it… But this is an odd one — are we fooling people inside his organization, or are they trying to fool us?

From: "donna grabow" <>
Subject: a question
Date: Fri, 09 Apr 2004 02:06:59 +0000
X-Originating-IP: []

Hi Thomas,

It was good seeing you in Las Vegas at the Bellagio at 3:00 March 26, even though it was a brief encounter!

Things are going well on this new island home...been keeping in touch with Florence in Honolulu.

I read the interview on yesterday and have been giving the idea alot of thought since. I would be interested in participating because I would love to be a parent.

This is my temporary email until I get online to retrieve my email from

My new tel # is 808-345-0730


Donna G

Anyway, I don't know if that's a legit email or not. I can't imagine it is, but, really, if someone is sold on Rael, they're probably pretty dumb, so you never know. If anyone gets curious and calls them, let me know… But I suspect it's a prankback.

Update: Well, someone named DONNA really does have an answering machine at that number…

Blood on the moon

So I just took Leeta out for a walk and as I'm getting out of the elevator I see some old lady and her fucked up poodle. It's a fat black poodle-esque dog about the same size as Leeta, but with serious territory mangement issues. Every time I see it, it barks and snarls like crazy, and the owner jokes “oh, just ignore him, he thinks he owns the place.”

Now, that's fine when the dog is leashed, but she decided to not bother even leashing her dog so it of course came straight at Leeta, all-teeth and a fog of blood-starved saliva. I kicked the attacking dog in the gut and it hit the wall a few feet away. It jumped back up and came at me and Leeta again — the owner was just standing fifteen feet away doing nothing, not even telling her dog to stop — so I kicked the poodle again, throwing it into the elevator when it stayed.

The dog's owner was yelling at me, “why did you have to kick my dog?”

I simply replied deadpan, “if this happens again I will kill your dog in front of you,” and walked off.

And I meant it.

“Yeah, well you own a pitbull,” was her brilliant retort after I'd rounded the corner.

Because there is a chance I may actually be put in a position of having to make true on my threat (if she doesn't start leashing her psychotic dog), I've placed a pre-emptive call to building management filing a complaint against the woman and her dog. I don't care if she wants to have a violent dog. That's her problem. But she can't have it running off leash when there are responsible pet owners in this building… to say nothing of the dozens of babies and small children that live in this building. Make all the noise about mastiffs, rotties, pits, but the fact is it's these little dogs that mutilate children statistically.

And before anyone points out that I'm a vegan and a pacifist, let me point out that I barely keep my violence under wraps, and it is my capacity to do great harm to others that draws me to pacifism. If someone invades my space or puts me or someone or something I care about in harms way, I am more than willing to temporarly ease the restraints.

Not that I have any desire to kill some dog that's effectively being abused by its owner! Personally I'd rather gut, skin, and butcher the owner and cook their flesh into soup for homeless people Rakowitz-style, but they tell me that's not permitted. Hell, they've shown me that even talking about it too seriously gets you put on a lot of unpleasant drugs and strapped to a bed.

End of entry.