Hey Google, I've got a story for you to index. There are people in this world who get off on complaining. I don't know why. Maybe they want to see their name on a critical letter to the editor or maybe they're just miserable people. Probably somewhere inbetween the two. I really am not sure. Anyway, earlier today I got an email from Bruce “I wanna lick you all over” Tillson.
Subject: AS a member of the medical community.....I am a psychologist and I have seen many of these types of behaviour in both younger people and adults.
Body Modification , as you so gently refer to "cutting and mutiliation" is a sickness.The act of normal tattooing and piercing is a cultural ritual that has been arpund for several thousands of years and is pretty much accepted by society until one's actions become actual mutilation and present a medical ahzard to the human body.
Self-mutilation is a self destructive act that can bring hazardous results to the practioner. This activity is not socially acceptable in any form or fashion.
To take the risk of injury or even death is not to be taken lightly and out in a "glamorous light" as your website does.I , in my own opinion , should be guiding the self abuser to find help not to encourage this behaviour.
With this age of bacterial infections that are resistant to all known antibiotics and the "flesh eating" infections, one leaves themselves open to serious health risks.
If you are an adult and I believe you are , maybe a little more responsibilty in your presentation of this serious social problem is in order.
I had a 14 year old daughter that was sucked into self mutilation. She began doing it for social acceptance. She was not abused, she had a wonderful family life, and was well liked in school.
We found out about her "habit" when we were summoned to the emergency room one afternoon , after school , because one of her "friends" had attempted to "sculpt" a Celtic figure on her left leg and in the process severed an artery at the site.
Her lag eventually had to be amputated and 3 months after she died of a staph bacterial infection that was caused by tetanus. Noit from the surgical instruments but by the knfe and razor blade used by her "friend".
Her "friend was chagred and convicted of involuntary manslaughter. He was 16 at the time of the incident. He was tried as an adult and will be in prison for 22 more years.
At least he will have the chance to have a life. My daughter will not.
Get these people to stop what they are doing if you can at all do something to help them. These photos "glorify" this type of sick behavior.
Your site does a wonderful job of showing the lengths that people will go to except , the way you present it, it appears to be safe behavior.Good Luck
Good Luck.
Well that was an elaborate and far-fetched tale… but…
Bruce Tillson aka “gitarguy” is no doctor. If you couldn't guess it from the poorly constructed email, his numerous letters complaining about everything from Eminem to the liberal media (or as he puts it so tastefully and eloquently, the “whore press”), coupled with incessant hitting on girls in their guest books is a good secondary indicator. I was in the middle of writing the submissions emailer and I really didn't have time to waste on some joker who doesn't even want to whine honestly, so I replied simply (all my replies in this entry are in red),
Yeah, whatever, "doctor".You're well known as a habitual liar with nothing better to do than send whiny letters. You really ought to go back to messaging girls how you'd like to lick them all over. At least that just made you look like an idiot.
What, you didn't think I could find out who you were in 60 seconds? Get a life.
His online history for the last few years was remarkably accessible, and thanks to the power of deranged US capitalism that'll sell anything to anyone at bottom-dollar prices, so was his home address, phone number, social security number, credit details, and so on if I (or you) wanted it. Like most assholes though, I guess he was kind of surprised to have his ruse called. He replied,
Just who the fuck are you??I seriousy doubt if you know anything about me
Sorry, Bruce, I really do know all about you. I replied,
Feel free to think that, it makes no difference to me.Got a problem with how readily available your records are? That's a matter for you to take up with your bank.
Now go hassle someone else.
Bruce still wasn't entirely convinced that I was telling the truth I guess, and summoned up his last bit of courage with his reply,
First,,why are you such an angry person?
Second,, where do you get the idea that I write to girls and tell them I want to "lick them all over"??
Angry? You've got me all wrong, Bruce. From my point of view this is a chuckle factory. But I only have so much time, so I'm going to have to cut this conversation short.
I'm not angry, you're the one sending me deranged lies. As far as where I get my ideas, do you need me to quote you exactly? Here we go: "Just want to tell you that if it were at all possible, I would like to lick you from the ground up!!!!!" or maybe you prefer this quote: "I would love to spend a week climbing all over that beautiful body of yours !!!!!"Your internet usage is very easy to track.
Now, unless you'd like to offer some proof for your claims, go hassle someone else.
Time for Bruce to run away now.
Listen. You have your issues and I have mine.
Let's leave it there and move on. If I bothered your "space" I apologize. I have a right to my opinion and so do you.
My story is true....maybe this didn't happen to me but it happened to someone close to me.Peace
Yeah, it happened to “a friend”. Sure, Bruce… but I suppose I'm cool with peace. If he sends me another message maybe I'll amuse myself by sending him a satellite photo of his house. That's always a good one that really fucks with people's heads.