I Wanna Rock

Video by Keith's sister about his musical history and more:

It's an 8 meg quicktime file juts over three minutes long.

"To me, success was always doing what I wanted to do, so I could die tomorrow and I'd feel extremely successful."

Comments and Memories

Belgium, The Netherlands

The entry below about Keith has been updated with information on the wake.

Other than the obvious exception, we had a really good time in Liege, mostly due to the company (but the food sure helped; much better than in Paris). We're in Amsterdam now and I think will see Josh and others over the next few days (drop Rachel or I a line if you're in town).

Terrible News

Long time friend and mentor of many, Keith Alexander died last night in a bike accident. I will post information on the memorial and funeral as appropriate when I have it. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

I apologize for the wholly insufficient nature of this entry. More will follow. Please post your memories of Keith below if you'd like.

Keith's death has just been noted in more detail on boingboing and other sites.

His wake will be held on Thursday from 2-5:30pm and 7-9pm at
Scarpaci Funeral Home
1401 86th Street
Brooklyn, New York

(Original forum unavailable, sorry)*

Au revoir, Paris

In a few hours we'll be on a train to Liege, Belgium to visit FREE and Dan.

Rat catcher's window display in Paris.

Even in Paris, black guys seem to get hassled by the police pretty regularly.

View of Paris from the roof of the Pomidou.

I don't know if I'll be online in Liege so I may not post until I get to Amsterdam tomorrow evening. I've got to admit that I sure am looking forward to being back in Amsterdam… I make no denial of the fact that drugs and sex are central facets of my life — preferrably when combined. See you at the coffeeshops.

Implant update

I forgot to mention that my magnetic implants were working very well at the museum. They had various scanners at doorways (so they'd know if you ripped off books from the library I suppose) and I could “feel” them from about two or three feet away, so as I passed through them I could tell exactly which scanners were turned on and which ones were not. Only two in the entire building were actually on.

PS. I don't know what's more annoying… people who don't understand art making claims about what is not art, or people who don't understand art making claims about what is art.

It's worse than talking about religion!