So now that I have Phil doing an increasing percentage of the day-to-day image processing, I'm figuring out how to squeeze more work into my schedule… One of the things that's going to mean is finally finishing off some old projects, like a rewrite of the QOD system which as started in May of last year according to my code notes. It's actually kind of infuriating working on older code like that because what I write these days is so much cleaner…

Let's see… So Syria says that it'll open “the gates of hell” if the US follows through on its threats to invade… I've always wondered about that expression; about that threat. Does it imply then that Islam (or whatever the source of the threat is) comes from the power of Satan? Or maybe they're just saying that hell is going to have to open its gates because of all the oncoming infidel corpses. I don't know. Either way, staging war around fairy tales is pretty sad; [via] for example:
...just before one of the 2003 attacks on a residential compound in Saudi Arabia, an attacker who was in contact with his superiors was "heard on the mobile phone counting down the seconds to the 'beautiful maidens.' His last words were: 'One second to the beautiful maidens.' He then blew himself up."
Just a general comment — you're not a martyr if you're in it for the hoors… and a drug dealer isn't doing charity work if he lets you suck his cock in trade for crack. Well, at least Islam trades sex for violence… The US Christian Army is so cheap all you get is a couple of iTunes downloads.
Hey, great news from Debbie Downer for those of you looking for either a heavenly harem or pre-death online music: Iran has put radicals in charge of their nukes, wealth continues to pool in America and the rich — but incompetent — get high-responsibility jobs that they're not qualified for, war and deception goes on and on, pandemic flu is on the way and unprepared for… and kids get kicked out of highschool for having piercings because “it's too dangerous”, even though thousands of youths are killed or injured due to combative high-school sports every year.
Remember kids, violence = good, personal expression = bad!
Here's a good solution: