Mini-status update

's sitting on a runway right now at O'Hare and should be in Toronto in a couple hours but it's going to be a little late to be able to do anything tonight still. First thing in the morning they'll be at the colo attempting a rebuild on the RAID array. With any luck that will be quite simple. If there's hardware damage, a drive gets swapped and the rebuild is re-attempted. If that fails (highly unlikely, but possible), then the filesystem is rebuilt from the backup drive using completely new hardware. So I think we're on schedule to be back online fully some time tomorrow.

And now a word from our sponsors.

Al Sharpton is a piece of crap

For a long time I incorrectly thought of “Reverend” Al Sharpton as a harmless joke, a sort of buffoon politician that was funny to have around. Hell, at first glance the platforms he's run on even seem like a noble idea. They say he may even, after many cameos, have his own sitcom on CBS called — I kid you not — Al in the Family. Seeing his latest bullshit though forces his story to be told again.

Now, I'm not talking about things like the fake white-on-black gang-rape. I'd rather talk about how since 1983 Al Sharpton has been a Federal informant supplying law enforcement agencies with information on black leaders, activists, and celebrities (ie. COINTELPRO). More recently he ran for President as a “Democrat”, funded by the GOP to run interference for the Republicans.

Or is all that too conspiratorial? You don't want to believe that COINTELPRO is real and Al Sharpton is one of its pawns? Or maybe all that was a smear operation by the FBI.

But now Al Sharpton is directly attacking the black and impoverished community by becoming a sponsor for LoanMax, a predatory lending company that survives by stealing from the poor. What this company does is seek out people who are on the verge of bankruptcy and unable to get reputable credit, but that own their own cars. It then aggressively sells them loans that are beyond their means to pay off.

The loan is at 300% to 400% interest and for a small percentage of the value of the car. It is often due in as little as 30 days. If the loan is not repaid in full, the car is repossessed and sold, and LoanMax keeps all of the profits (the difference does not get paid back to the real owner of the car). Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm saying this is not just a poor thing but a black thing, it's not only because there are a disproportionate percentage of people who are both poor and black, but because the lending industry has most strongly lobbied for laws permitting this type of loan in states that have large black populations.

So that's who Al Sharpton is now advocating to the black community. Promotion of debt culture is the single most powerful weapon in the ongoing class war, and that class war begets a race war, crime, and a great majority of the suffering in this world. I don't care if he's involved because he's actively fighting against the populace as an illuminati pawn, or if it's because he's just a greedy patsy fuck that'll take money from anyone and thus betrays his supporters, but why crooked politicians — as if there's any other kind — continue to run without the media exposing them is beyond me.

It's no wonder the mainstream made fun of Kucinich.


So Rachel is about to get on a plane to Chicago and then Toronto, Badur is sourcing hardware and dealing with the police, and Jon has been figuring out the details of how to rebuild the array (sounds good). Those are a few of the people who will be deserving all our thanks (especially Rachel and Badur who are on the front lines, most of all Rachel) once we've got this all fixed. If we're really lucky it might even be tonight that everything comes back online.

I'll be posting “casual updates” like this here, and as I have more solid details, I'll update the starting entry on ModBlog as well (and watch for a Christmas shopping entry there later today by the way).

Anyway, other than that, while processing images this morning I watched Supervolcano which asks the question of what would happen if Yellowstone erupted (as it does about every 600,000 years, with the last eruption being 650,000 years ago)… It's quite possible for there to be an eruption large enough to kill a billion people and [whatever number comes after 'trillions'] of animals. It's happened before and statistically it must happen again.

I was thinking about it, and I kind of hope this happens. Now, before you tell me how terrible that is, let me tell you a fact: you are going to die soon, and so am I, and there's nothing that can be done to stop it — at best it can be delayed. So really, for that brief period that I'm alive, I'd like it to be one of the most interesting periods in human history, if not in geological history as well… So far odds are looking good that I will get my wish.


I'm not sure if this is a lame idea for a shirt/sticker run or not. I think I'd like wearing it… I like things that are both really dirty and kind of confusing at the same time, so the viewer is fairly sure but not entirely convinced that they're looking at something kink-filled rather than innocent.

I have another one in the same style with a boot standing over a ball that says “eierstampfer”.

Boat Carcas Photo

I'll post more pictures in my next entry of our morning, but here's a quick photo of the beach down the road from our house in La Paz, BCS, Mexico… If you click the link, it will enlarge to a 1280×1024 image (suitable for using as desktop wallpaper if you want).