Time to eat

I'm going out to eat tonight at a friend's restaurant. Last night I went to Dee's with Jon and others which was nice, but I was really sore later in the night so I wandered around for a while, tried to pass the time with something semi-productive, and then eventually went to bed around five…

Anyway, on the way to supper I'm going to stop at Toys'R'Us or a dollar store or something to pick up a few “bags of bugs” (like plastic ants) because I have a project I want to do with them. Sometimes I wonder if these silly little street art projects are a waste of time, but at the least they do amuse me and make me feel better.

These postcards should be in California today. I have another series that I'm working on right now that's all kid's jokes (not pictured here — but I may post them in a week or two). If anyone wants to send me short kids' jokes that kindergarten-aged kids would think are funny (ie. “What do sea monsters eat?”“Fish and ships!”), please do!

Phil took these pictures of me yesterday, maybe for Tristan's painting series. I'm really sad because my tattoo appointment tomorrow got canceled because Shane hasn't had time to draw it (he's also in the “overworked” club) and I was really looking forward to it getting started… This means I probably won't be able to get tattooed until the fall because my surgery takes me out of commission in a couple weeks.

Other than that, Ryan just posted a picture of the BMEfest stickers he had made (seriously, get your ModProm ticket ASAP because we have to confirm our numbers with the caterers). I like how they turned out (they match the shirt as well):

Anyway. I'm going to go find me some plastic insects. I thought I was going to have time to do a little painting before I left but I seem to have rambled here for too long and killed the time.

I like burning stuff.

I wonder how long the Pirate Bay will be allowed to keep having Google Ads on their photos, given that they're almost all explicit. And wow, this guy is really strong. And you need to swallow more semen and stop using condoms.

My life in pictures

I think the car may belong to him

So much f-ing drama.

Let me make something really clear: I have a very short fuse right now. To put my pain level into context, it's worse than being tattooed — every moment of every day, I am in constant pain that can be dulled by narcotics, but not stopped. Not that it's a lot of pain, but it gets to you after a while when it just never stops. If I didn't have a ton of people who rely on me, I'd probably eat a bullet, or at least my leg would eat a magazine full of them. And I'm fine with all that, but it means that I'm really not cool with people fucking with me, with Rachel, with BME events or staff, with my girlfriend, with my friends, and so on. So please don't do that because I'm a crazy and unpredictable person with a relatively large capability to do damage and very little sense of self preservation. I'm like an injured animal with really sharp teeth, ok?

In more pleasant news, it rained so much that I couldn't undertake my new street art project, but I do love the rain so I went for a walk down the beach with Saira and took some photos of a building that I might go paint on. And I had some really nice apricot-wheat beer. And I had a nice long chat with a friend I don't talk to enough (ironically, due to the drama that I so despise). I think Phil gave the best advice though when he told me his woes and how he felt about it all…

    “I really need a beer and a blowjob!”

I split some beer with him but our other woes are unsolved.

Argh! And now it's 9:30 PM and I still have hours of work to do!

Again: Arrrrrrgh!

Oh, and to those of you who feel like you might be on the target end of the “argh!” the good news is that I don't hold a grudge for anything really, but please, don't push me right now because it's about the worst time to test my ability to turn the other cheek. No worries though, I have at least a couple cheeks left.

Crazy Bunny Stencil

I think it looks better in this picture than in real life; it didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. I feel kind of messed up today so I don't have anything else to write.