The entire day was spent cleaning this place top to bottom. There's still a little to do, but it really doesn't look like the same house any more at all! Whew! Anyway, I'm starving and am going to order a cheap pizza and relax, pay the last of my bills, program the PVR to record everything that'll be on while I'm in the hospital, and crash out…
Oh, and I drew the first “official” page for my kid's book in the last day or two. I've been working with COPIC markers on glossy inkjet paper, which is quite interesting to work on because it absorbs the ink so quickly — you can lay down fairly heavy ink and it doesn't smudge at all. The downside is that you can't mix ink on the paper, but I'm running with this experiment for now (the nice thing about the markers I'm using is that I can mix my own inks so I can create whatever subtle colour variations I need manually).
I haven't been online here much the past view days (barely at all, really) because I'm been scrambling to get a ton of stuff done before my surgery on Wednesday which will at least temporarily take me out of commission. I had a long day of work today prepping about three weeks of ModBlog entries in advance (please excuse the typos which I'm sure are there)… Caitlin make me a bunch of delicious food to eat while I was working and left it for me yesterday but I guess because I didn't lock it up well enough it disappeared into someone else's belly so I went without my lunch sadly.
I had a dream last night that I was on Hell's Kitchen — and won: not that I can cook. So for supper I made a nice light meal of onion and yellow pepper in a fresh lemon and dill sauce with bay scallops on brown rice. I drizzled it with a sweet chili sauce, which was a mistake in hindsight, but it was still very good. I don't cook much with dill but I'm trying to expand my palette because I'm getting bored of making variations on the same thing over and over (not that this is so different).
I also did a little bit of painting this afternoon — other than a tinted glaze that I'll try and add tomorrow the
Rookaiju painting is finally done. I haven't really painted very much (essentially not at all) over the summer; just haven't felt it. But I hate having incomplete work lying around and more than anything I hate staying still because nothing makes pain worse than sloth — no joke, I've found that the best way to deal with pain is obsessive workaholism because it keeps my mind off it. Extreme anger works as well, but I despise anger (is that statement an oxymoron?)…
Tomorrow is a day of cleaning this place up so everything is neat and tidy. I wanted to move out in August but I don't think it's going to happen until October for a variety of reasons. Hopefully I can get my spare room back soon now that I have my woodworking gear because it can't stay on my main story… I really want to get all my paintings framed, especially now that I know how to write the code to make my router carve and miter custom frames for me.
I got a bunch of rope but I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but it's always good to have rope around. It's really strong. I could hang a four hundred and fifty pound guy with it. I don't really remember any knots from sailing school very well other than how to tie a hangman's noose…
Well, I think I'll do a little more work and then call it a night.
I have a few good interviews sitting on my desktop at 95% — I'd meant to put them up this week but it's been a bit of a crazy week. With luck I'll still be able to post them before Wednesday but it may fall through the cracks…
I just tore the traction belt on the router! It's just a $3 piece, but it's a totally non-standard size (15″x13″ 120 grit dry aluminum oxide) so I've had to order it online (I got five)… I was initially kind of freaked out because when I called tech support they're like “sorry, we can't help you because you're not in the continental USA” and wouldn't give me any information (they have some sort of intense distribution deal they're hammering out with Sears or something), but luckily I found the answer almost immediately in the user forums for the machine…
So no more carving for a few days, but that's probably good because it's really incredibly distracting and is taking away from more important tasks! So back to real work for me…
I can't carve it until morning because of the racket, but I have a new test box (also a very simple design) ready to send to the router. It's quite primitive in nature, but it's a double sided carving so if this works, I'll have the basics of the machine down, and will be able to start experimenting with much more intricate and invovled designs (and will feel more comfortable carving real wood — this is soft junk wood that I got from the discard bin at Home Depot).
Other than that, a couple more big updates got posted and ModBlog is up and running again…
This is kind of crappy looking but mostly I'm learning how to create the 3D models required. I don't know if I'll have time to print it today but the next project will have double sided carving (so it'll have a nice fit) and a lot more depth and texture… I mostly wanted to see if I could figure out how to do an engraving on a curved surface…
Anyway… back to real work…