Saturday, September 1, 2007
Went for a walk in High Park today… We were walking down the forest path and a hawk landed in front of us, paused for a moment, and then jumped up into a nearby tree and watched us pass. A few feet further and we saw his fresh kill. The pond was full of herons as well and a few birders were out with massive lenses. All I had was my phone so I didn't take any good pictures.
I'm really enjoyed browsing the galleries at…
Теплый ветер треплет волосы. в крови бродят капли хорошего вина. звучит.. музыка. странная и величественная. именно такая музыка должна звучать именно здесь и именно сейчас, на крыше покинутого и безжизненного гиганта, когда начинает мерцать фонарями лента автомагистрали, а огромный солнечный диск степенно погружается в ночной лес.
Some assorted photos from their site:
I watched
The Abandoned a week or two ago… Sort of reminded me of that…
Made some lime pan masala shrimp and scallops today for supper…
And thinking about making some simple chairs that just sort of “snap together” with an 'X' of legs, a platform, and then a ring that pins down pillows made of old shirts… Something like this…
Tomorrow I'm taking Nefarious to the
CNE and then on Saturday her grandmother is coming to visit… and in a week, school starts again…
The top part of my scar just tore open and there's a long internal suture exposed (from the ones that hold the underlying musculature together). I snipped it off and bandaged things as well as I could but I'm a little worried because it's bleeding a bit and it seems like a sort of yellow-ish blood. If an infection travels in there, it would be very bad! Ack! I don't know that I'm ready to be RAK!
If it seems bad tomorrow I'll have emerg check it out of course.
Edit: I'm 50/50 on going to emerg right now… At about noon if it's not looking nicely sealed up (which I'm hoping), I'm going to go get a course of antibiotics or something… We'll see!
Well, time to cook supper… I doodled this today…