Thursday, September 27, 2007
I recently did an interview with Bizarre magazine about how I feel about body modification and what BME is all about. I'm happy that they quoted me fairly accurately. The issue is on the stands now but here are some small scans of the interview. No matter what happens with BME, I hope that this stance is respected. I like this quote though.
“Can I imagine my life without body modification? I don't know… that's kind of like asking, 'can you imagine yourself as a different person?' I suppose I can, but it wouldn't be me any more. Like… Can you imagine yourself as a horse?”
– Shannon
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Today I fried up some orange pepper, red onion, and garlic in an ultra-simple lime-chipotle sauce. This was mixed with some lemon, currant, and nut couscous, and with fresh (the following ingredients were not cooked) green onion, grape tomato, and avocado… On that was a light olive oil, sea salt, and lime juice dressing. Very easy, very delicious, very vegan.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I'm in the middle of editing a very long interview about body inflation (mineral oil injection, saline, air inflation, pumping, and so on)… In its current form it's over twenty pages long. I have to decide whether I'm going to hack it down quite a lot, or maybe publish it as a two-parter. My brain was a bit frazzled from it all so I took a walk down the tracks…
These run over snakes (of which there's a small colony running along the GO/VIA line) are really poorly done (overspray and so on) but I didn't bother with much effort given that they'll be gone in a few hours… I made them because Nefarious and her cousins were so fascinated by one they found on the weekend
I have to go renew my various license stickers tomorrow… I'm dreading that because I know I have a pile of parking tickets they'll make me pay before I do the renew. During the period that I didn't have a street parking permit I got far more than I'd like. If I have time after that and the day's work I may start on a new painting on one of the deserted warehouses in my neighborhood…
Monday, September 24, 2007
Whew, I am really tired. It's been a long day.
I have been thinking about the various things that I've taken for pain and what works and what doesn't. Here's my list, sorted by the amount it reduces the pain (“actual pain”), the amount that it helps me deal with the pain (“effective pain”), how much it alters my mood, whether it helps me sleep, and what I think of the general side effects outside of those categories. Anyway, these are my thoughts on it… Plusses are good, minus signs are bad.
Actual Pain |
Effective Pain |
Mood |
Sleep |
Side Effects |
Codeine |
+ |
+ |
0 |
+ |
0 |
Oxycocet (5mg/325mg) |
++ |
++ |
+ |
++ |
0 |
Oxycontin (10mg) |
++ |
+++ |
++ |
++ |
+ |
Oxycontin (20mg) |
+++ |
++++ |
+++ |
+++ |
+ |
Marijuana |
++ |
+++ |
- |
+ |
– |
Trazadone |
+ |
0 |
0 |
+++ |
0 |
Fluorazepam |
0 |
+ |
0 |
+++ |
0 |
Alcohol |
0 |
+ |
0 |
0 |
- |
Lyrica |
+ |
0 |
— |
0 |
— |
Misc. Anti-Depressents |
0 |
+ |
+ |
+ |
- |
Misc. Tranquilizers |
0 |
+ |
0 |
++ |
0 |
I was told that I'm eligible for a medical marijuana prescription. If I didn't hate the side-effects and unpleasant mood effects, I'd go for it in a heartbeat because it really does go a long way to stopping the pain. Oxycontin is also extremely effective (and not very expensive in comparison to things like the Lyrica which are much easier to get a prescription for), but it's hard to get a prescription and it's expensive through non-prescription channels. It bothers me that there's resistance to prescribe things like that, because, as the one doctor I dealt with put it, what does it matter if I get hooked if I'm going to be in larger and larger amounts of pain for the rest of my life and there's very little that can be done about it?
Although I understand there are many contexts in which narcotic painkillers can be abused, I'd love to see some of these drugs be easier to obtain… I think it's needlessly cruel to craft legislation to keep people who don't need a medication from it, rather than crafting it so people who need it can obtain it…
Anyway, long day, and I have to get up early to move the car…
Sunday, September 23, 2007
So I'm taking a picture of Nefarious playing by the BBQ fire at the end of the day, and her aunt yells at me, “why are you taking a picture of my kid peeing?“ and I'm like… huh? Because of the smoke, I couldn't see him, but now, looking at the photo, I see he was helping put out the fire, hahaha! Anyway, it was a looooong day, and I have to get up early to move my car, so I'm logging out for the evening.
Oh, and speaking of family stuff, Rachel's brother is in town — he's a jockey and just came up and won a $300,000 race at Woodbine (or maybe more) — so we'll get to see him tomorrow. Uncle overload!