It's funny — I'm not used to doing personal blogging it seems, so it's hard to find the time for it (not that it should be at the top of anyone's priority list)! I've been productive, and the latest painting is coming along quite well (as is the beard, which needs a cutting!). There's a clearer shot (more Lizard, less Shannon) of this painting as it stands now at my art blog.
As well as many other
activities with Caitlin, I went skating again with Nefarious, perhaps for the last time this year as it's warming up quickly. The ice was actually quite spongy this most recent time. I figure we've put in at least thirty hours of skating this year — some weeks every day after school. Once she figured out the basics of twirling, it was irresistible. Joan and her daughter are joining us for
Disney Princesses on Ice when it comes to town…
The very snowy winter has made me continue to think about the
Snowrail project. I'd have a prototype built, but unfortunately unanticipated emergencies more than ate up my resources for doing that this year. So it's still no more real than scratches on paper and the occasional blob of fimo.
Finally, this is what happens when a hungry beagle visits.
If you're looking for something fun to do today, my friend Jana (iam:Jana Falls) is having her first “non-amateur” fight tonight (Thursday March 13th) at the Gladstone here in Toronto. Visit her page or click the banner for more information.
Also, I just posted an interview with Allen Falkner, which is currently the headlining interview at BME/News — I'm really happy with how it turned out and highly recommend it.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I’m working on a little painting for my daughter’s room, based on a drawing from an 1865 illustration in “Le Magasin pitoresque” of Sinbad’s fifth voyage (a Roc egg being broken open). Here are the first two pictures from it. It’s a lot smaller than I usually work.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I think they made Rock Band too easy. I've beat every song on Expert except Green Grass and High Tides (which has be solidly blocked at about 78% right now)… Only a couple songs took more than one try to beat the first time around on expert. The game took a while to grow on me but I really like some of subtle changes they've made in how it plays versus Guitar Hero.
Other than that, I'm going to continue to keep most of my art-specific posts over at
I Need More Life, although I may mention them here, as I like how things are going there… I started a new fun little painting for Nefarious's room today.
As I mentioned, I've been doodling away at a potential logo for this year… I'm thinking about going with an African ceremonial mask-themed image and drew this up today. It's not finished but it's what I've got so far.