On the way back from school and before the park today Nefarious and I stopped by the art store and she picked up a few canvasses and some paint (a purple metalflake acrylic and a bright pink) for her, and some wood panels for Caitlin and I. I didn't have much time to fit painting in today, but I do hope to finish Nefarious's creation by the end of the week.
So in the fall I was at the park throwing huge blocks of frozen snow onto the very thin ice to smash holes in it. I know it's not something you're supposed to do. I also sometimes feed the ducks, which is also on the forbidden list. Anyway, this 2×4 was in the water, near the edge where I could reach it, so I picked it up an threw in like a spear. It pierced the ice and sunk into the mud, and the following night the temperature dropped and it froze in place and has been there for the last four months. In my (rather limited) defense, it was already in the pond when I got there.
Anyway, it both cracks me up and fills me with guilt, like some telltale heart every time I go to the park.
Well, the credit card processing that I set up for BMEvideo got hit with $150,000 in fines, so they're cutting back on edgy content like ours. Which means that until I've had the opportunity to set up new processing for it, today is probably the last day that you can get a membership. That said, I may take this opportunity to retool the site, so I'll try and look at the sunny side of this…
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Nefarious drew this for me to paint today, which I'll finish over this week. The elements include a very, very wavy ocean, a singing bird, a princess angel, stars and a space station, the sun and moon, a spaceship taking off (which is on its way to the space station), a shark jumping out of the water, a sailboat with a star on the sail being sailed by the world's tallest snowman, a butterfly carrying two flowers, and Ursula and the Little Mermaid. Whew!
The trade I made her was that she could watch TVO for as long as it took me to paint the outline, so there are lots and lots of details!
I drew this t-shirt design quite a long time ago but just realized I never posted it…

Here’s how the painting is doing now — as you can see, I’ve added a large number of elements to it. Generally when I do a painting based on a classic, I like to do it pretty “straight”, and then add bits after I’ve started. Unfortunately my little camera doesn’t pick up many subtle colours, so in reality there are a lot of pale shades that just look white in this shot. Anyway, click it to zoom in.