Caitlin and I went and say Doomsday today on account of me being a sucker for anything post-apocalypse… a pretty good mix of Escape From NY exile, tattooed Mad Max-style rat-bike riding bad guys, evil Republican-types, lots of gore, and my favorite — plague. The tattoos were fairly poorly done technically (they looked more like body paint), but were great stylistically (including a girl that reminded me a lot of Insectavora from Coney Island Sideshow), and the scarification was nicely done.

The tattoos in the movie made me think more about an idea that I've had lately — in part from the “skullboy” interview — that tattooing is the ultimate nihilist movement. General feedback both on ModBlog and around the net seemed to often centre around the idea that he “gives tattooed people a bad name”, but I think that on some level, his “NO FUTURE” attitude is potentially on target. I see an aweful lot of people — arguably tens of thousands — of people getting body modifications from which there's no going back, that with only a slight shift in the permissiveness of society make life extremely difficult…
That said, if I'm to trust the movies, a slight shift in the viral landscape, and people with tattooed faces become the norm. Fingers crossed!