This fellow would like you to know that although he has fine, feminine features, he was born a male, so yes, those testicles are the genuine article. Not that he has a problem with transsexuals, but he isn't one of them.
The property we looked at today was very wet.
Probably a little too muddy to find a good building site…
I like these folks method of locomotion.
And here's Caitlin and me… I am definitely starting to look pretty old I think, haha, but at least as I age I seem to get jolly along with it (I think I need to go back to the gym… I put on some weight after my surgery).
A few days ago Nefarious hid under the table (which is where she goes to draw when she wants it to be a surprise) and created a four-panel drawing that turned out really wonderfully and I’ve been working on finishing for her. Panel #1 (top-left) is the sun and moon:
Panel #2 (top-right) she tells me is a house that we built ourselves:
Panel #4 (bottom-right) is me on the left, Caitlin in the middle (wearing a black nightgown), and Nefarious on the right.
Panel #3 (bottom-left), which I haven’t had a chance to fill in for her yet, is a princess being scared by a monster…
So I was reading this absolutely disturbing article about parents that take their eight-year olds for pubic waxing as part of the general meme of parents living narcissistically through their kids with extravagant parties, designer clothes and spa trips, adult makeup and grooming, and other things best done long after puberty, if at all. The sexualization of youth — prepubescent youth — in general I think is one of the most negative trends in our culture, and the breakdown of the parent-child barrier with emotionally stunted parents narcissistically reliving their broken lives by forcing an adult-themed fetishized childhood on their kids is pretty vile stuff…
Kids naturally gravitate to “kids stuff” — building with blocks, stomping in the mud, making silly faces… They do not naturally in a healthy environment gravitate to obsessive grooming or haut couture clothing let alone sexual posturing — not to say little girls and little boys don't like playing dress-up, but that's very different; an element of fantasy and story telling more so than self-marketing. Kids certainly dream about being adults, and idolize adults and look to them for guidance as a part of growing up, but I don't believe adult behvaior brings them joy in any way. It's a pretty sad statement about the emotional maturity of parents — and I think the decay that urbanization and pervasive media has caused — when kids can't be kids.
I thought this old study from 1996 was great, claiming to confirm that the surest sign that someone is around by homosexual imagery is homophobia… Haha…
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I was watching various videos (more, more) of DIY buggies, I think from Poland, made out of sometimes very structurally questionable bits of scrap metal and wrecked cars… Super fun… Hopefully we're going to go check out an 80 acre homestead up near Bobcaygeon this weekend, so it had me thinking about hillbillymobiles even more than usual.