Truckin’, like the do-dah man. once told me you’ve got to play your hand
Sometimes your cards ain’t worth a dime, if you don’t lay em down,
Sometimes the lights all shinin’ on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip its been.
I think tomorrow I’m going to go out and do some stenciling… haven’t done any in like six months.
Caitlin (who says she’ll do hers soon) convinced me to enter this great “draw yourself as a teenager” drawing mob. Here’s me at 17 and at 34. There were some more interesting stages inbetween, but it’s past my bedtime.
Wow… Great Survivor tonight in terms of “Dumbest Survivor Ever”! I sure have enjoyed the hilarity this season. I like the casting department’s decision of choosing the dumbest people they can, although with just enough bright players to manipulate the scene…
Anyway, on the subject of dumbness, there’s been a continual trend in the Hillary campaign comments that bugs me. Quoting from a recent article, she said (emphasis mine),
“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article “that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”
To me saying “people vote for me, unless they’re educated” isn’t very convincing. The fact that the better educated and the better informed someone is, the more likely they are to vote for Obama should be kind of telling… But because the US has really enshrined this concept of the righteousness of the “average” American over the “elite”, people’s credibility actually goes down if they’re better educated, more intelligent, or better informed. It’s quite shocking if you look at it objectively…
And I won’t get started on how shocking it is that “average people” seem to buy the idea that Hillary, a pandering millionaire-many-times-over, one of the neo-con aristocracy with no understanding or empathy of how the average American lives, is “one of them”, but buy the notion that Obama, raised by a single mother in relative poverty, is not… Meh… I’m glad McCain doesn’t seem interested in a McCain-Clinton ticket, because if anything were to kill off America and complete it’s descent into a bankrupt fascist state, that would be a good way to do it.
I’m catching up on sleep right now… I napped for most of yesterday healing my leg and most of the redness and swelling is gone now and it’s definitely feeling much better. Since someone asked me to post another picture, here you go. It looks worse than it is, and it really doesn’t look that bad. Nothing much exciting to report. Watching Survivor soon, with a meal c/o Caitlin. Woo woo!
By the way, everyone keeps messaging me asking what the BMEfest plans are. To be honest, with the strangeness and unfortunately extremely divisive trauma that BME’s gone through this year, I’m not sure that there will be an agreed upon official plan, so for now, what I’m recommending is that people check out Jana‘s Toronto BME summer BBQ event, which is taking place on Pride Weekend here in Toronto. She’s been part of the BME scene here in Toronto and has been with us since the start, has hosted numerous successful events, and I think she’s uniquely positioned to host a BBQ that everyone can enjoy. If “official” events are also staged, I’m sure they will be done in a complimentary fashion where both can be enjoyed, so feel safe in making your travel plans now.
I installedCHDK on my SD800 tonight — very neat. This is a 64 second test exposure I took in the relatively total dark on my porch… It’s hard to stay still that long! Maybe tomorrow night I’ll go down to the waterfront and do some night time shooting and keep my fingers crossed that the 24-hour hot dog vendor still has a cart down on Pier 6 or wherever they are.