Rock Band: You’re Doing It Wrong

I finally got around to plugging in Caitlin’s PS2, hoping that maybe I’d magically improved from the lack of playing, but I still was unable to beat Green Grass and High Tides on Expert, my only remaining song in the game… I also treated myself to the new Guitar Hero game (the Aerosmith edition) today. I’m not particularly a fan of Aerosmith, but I’m still looking forward to getting to play a whole lot of new songs tonight now that Nefarious is in bed after a couple hours of diving in the pool… Having only the PS2 version, I can’t download songs so I have just the basic ones that come with Rock Band and the entire GH series (now all played far too many times)…

The Watch List

Awesome! I’ve been a big fan of Get Your War On and even have a few numbered prints from the artist hanging on my wall, so I’m thrilled to see that it’s now got an animated version. Check out the first episode, and go here for more (this is the first, no others are out as I’ve written this though).



What a wonderful day. Caitlin and I cleared out the last of our old place (it is so good to be gone from there), and then after school Nefarious and I first played some checkers and then went swimming and did loads of diving — today she touched the bottom at the deep end of the pool. Nine feet is very deep for someone who’s only been swimming for, what, two weeks?! She had a bubble bath while I cooked supper (lots of okra in a stirfry) and sang along loudly to Hoppipolla, inventing her own lyrics. After supper, we played more checkers (one of our new games, along with Othello) with M&Ms… a great way for someone who loves chocolate to learn, since you get to eat the pieces you take!

Other that that, Caitlin’s “shy” (that’s the nice way to put it) cat was moved here today. She’s always terrified moving to a new place, and there’s really not anywhere to hide here because it’s a much smaller place, so she decided that the best place would be behind the planters and in the crack at the edge of the balcony. So our downstairs neighbors may wake up with a cat, haha…

Kill Zone

Admittedly, I rarely update the site since I mostly post kit cars these days, but I posted a few pictures to my military photo site today… If you know people who have photos that would be good to post, please do pass them my email address and the URL.

Watering the trees

Not that she hasn’t been told not to repeat this stunt, but below our windows are just trees and rarely anyone walks, so I’m not too worried that anyone got an unpleasant surprise. That said, it’s been so incredibly hot here that I suspect on some levels it would be a quite welcome surprise!

We had another long evening swimming, so I made a quick stir-fry for supper with lots of okra in it. Caitlin hates okra and is out for the evening, so I took advantage of the opportunity to cook it. She’d warned Nefarious yesterday that it was an utterly revolting vegetable, so when Nefarious took her first “review” bite, she confirmed that it was terrible… However, after that, I noticed that she picked out all the okra and happily ate it before everything else — kids do like eating snot after all — and admitted that she did like it but that it would be best if I didn’t reveal that to Caitlin.