
We posted some great new “ducks” today… Click to see them.

Toronto Buskerfest Visit

Caitlin and Nefarious and I spent the day at Buskerfest and saw some great juggling and street performer shows, and then at the end of the day she got her face painted and was the belle of the ball, with probably twenty photographers and numerous tourists taking her picture, so if you see her in the newspaper, let me know! We also bumped into Tom and his daughter so we hung out with them for the majority of the day and then also bumped into Badur and other old friends…

Caitlin impersonates… After first laughing at me… “Oh, hello, I’m going to post this one, the least flattering picture ever.” And then laughs some more. But she cooked us some great food for our return… As you can see, the day in the sun was a little hard on me, hahaha. I will post a better picture another day. Better laugh now because I may come to my senses and delete that picture when I come out of my sun-induced dementia.


Canadian Synchronized Swimming Team

In training anyway.

Another day at the CNE

A long day in the sun!

Went on some rides again…

And here’s me with Caitlin.

Trinidad Fantasies

Today Nefarious started riding her bike without training wheels. One of my favorite things about being a parent is seeing new things learned, and the wonderful thing about this age is that there are so many of them. It’s an amazing both getting to relive childhood through a kid’s experiences, and the pride and happiness you get from being a part of those moments.

This afternoon Caitlin went to the Dufferin Grove farmer’s market and picked up some fresh veggies so I used some of them up in supper… The veggies are a mix of sweet onion, green onion, red and yellow pepper, zucchini, baby squash, garlic, and dragon carrots. The rice is brown rice and a mix of fava beans and chick peas. Both of those have a light sauce of lime and coconut curry. The fish is tilapia in garlic butter with a little lime and green onion.

After that, more swimming… I really like going for a swim at the very end of the day because the pool is relatively empty, it’s at its warmest, and the lighting is really pretty.