One of the problems with having a four party system (Conservative, Liberal, NDP, and Green — I’m not counting the BQ), with only one that’s a right wing party, is that you can have the vast majority of people vote left, but end up with an election where the right wins… And… That’s what happened once again.
On one hand I’m happy because the party that I voted for picked up seats from the previous election (although we lost a good MP in our riding), but I’d really like to see Canadian election law changed so that a losing party can pledge their votes to another party — that is, some sort of system of runoff voting. I think without this it’s possible for a party with a view that’s quite distant from that of the average Canadian to get elected. As we just saw!
I understand that some people address this with strategic voting (a la “anyone but Harper”) but I think that strategic voting silences people’s real voice and is fundamentally contrary to the democratic process, so I’d much rather see changes in the voting system to make the system more accurately reflect the desires of Canadians as to how the country is to be governed.
Well, even if my vote “didn’t count” I can help out tonight by donating to my old community radio alma mater, CHRY, who are currently doing their annual fundraiser.