New Art Posted

I added two projects to my art gallery page… You can click on either of these pictures to see the whole thing in higher res (one is almost a year old, but I’ve never posted it at high res before). I’m happy with how each of these turned out… Next is an interesting commission piece (these were gifts).


Pumpkin Carving Day

I went back on my word and got Guitar Hero World Tour today. Love it so far. I returned some headphones that didn’t work as well so I had a store credit and also picked up a stand-alone printer for everyone here to print out photos from our digital cameras, so Nefarious has been filling up her photo album — a friend recently gave her his old camera (which is perfectly sized for the “secret pocket” in her winter jacket), so she’s been snapping a ton of pictures — and learning the concept that paper is not unlimited and she’s going to have to learn to conserve…

The pumpkin on the right was designed by Nefarious on paper and then cut out by me, and the one on the left (not the far left!) was designed and cut by Caitlin. Other than that, I split a tooth (a molar) open — yowch! — so I’m going to be getting a dentist’s appointment tomorrow I hope.

Uilenspiegel III

My Uilenspiegel painting is coming along nicely. I’m in the process of lining it right now, then it will get some touch up work and we’ll see where it goes. After this I’m doing a commission piece that I’m looking forward to quite a bit because they picked a subject I’m sure I’ll enjoy. The color balance is quite off in this photo by the way, but you get the idea.

I played Rock Band with a new drummer (thank you, “no fail” mode), but that new drummer spent more time in the store buying her character pink dresses than she did drumming for me. Hahaha… Indoctrination failed.

Why the recession is good for business

Continuing in a-couple-days-of-headache-half-bakery-rambling, I was thinking about how Sbarro and Krispy Kreme and lots of other big companies are on the edge of collapse, and was thinking that it was a really good thing. Obviously it’s not a comment on the fact that people aren’t buying pizza or donuts. I mean, maybe they’re not buying as much, but they’re still buying plenty… What it is a comment about is that megacorporations are not sustainable business models.

So I think — I hope — the end result of all these giant companies and giant franchises collapsing is that they will be replaced with locally owned and locally branded businesses, which are far more nimble and able to survive market fluctuations, to say nothing of the fact that a local business keeps money in the local community and keeps money from evaporating higher and higher up the class system. I definitely think the same thing will happen in farming as factory farms collapse and we see the return of the small family farm. Fingers crossed.

Gay Culture is Gay Genocide?

I was thinking about eugenics, and had a thought about gay culture… Historically, homosexuals (male or female) have still had children because it was “expected of them” and homosexuality was an underground movement. Now that homosexuality is acceptable, and there’s no stigma attached to having a same sex partner and not reproducing biologically, it seems quite likely that in a few generations the genes for homosexuality will be almost completely eliminated from the human species. How ironic that the biggest contribution of gay culture to the human condition may be the complete elimination of homosexuality.

If Christian nutjobs actually wanted to be rid of homosexuality, the best thing they could do would be to support gay unions and pray for the results of the selective non-breeding it will bring about. However, by pushing it underground and encouraging “orientation denial”, they ensure the gene persists. Of course, Christian nutjobs don’t believe in evolution, so good luck convincing them of this.