Handweb Piercing Placement Thoughts

I’m really thrilled with how my handweb piercing turned out. Tomorrow it’ll be a week old, and it’s doing extremely well. I think that’s as a result of three things:

  • Placement – The placement minimizes point-to-point motion, and is such that the ring lies comfortably against the hand in the fold of the webbing. This keeps it protected in nearly all hand positions and even though it’s a high motion area, gives it almost no motion stress.
  • Jewelry – The jewelry is a 12ga 7/16″ stainless steel ring by Anatometal, which means both that it’s good quality, and that it’s large enough to take a little abuse, and is big enough to absorb motion but not big enough to get in the way. The ring is about 50% in the tissue while the tissue is a little swollen and I expect that will drop to about 1/3 when healed, at which point I will probably swap in a 10ga 3/8″ ring.
  • Aftercare – For the first day I taped my thumb to my finger to keep motion and irritation to a minimum. I kept the piercing protected during the initial couple days. Other than some bleeding in the first 48 hours, there’s been no discharge. I’ve been using Simple Care spray (Neem, Comfrey, Black Seed, and Dead Sea Salts), which as well as being a great functional product, comes in a convenient spray bottle.

My initial entry on the piercing is here, but I’ll add how I did the piercing… I drew the dots on, pinching the tissue to feel for motion and so on. After a little adjustment I came upon what I thought was ideal, and pushed the 10ga needle through… It was pretty unpleasant, and I haven’t done a piercing on myself in a looooong time. After the tip was through the other end, which stung like crazy, I actually just gave it a couple whacks with a remote to get it all the way through!!! Follow-through was a breeze because of the drop-down sizing.

Candy Euphoria

We had the pleasant surprise of Nefarious returning early from her weekend plans, so my “lunch” was stuffing myself silly as we gorged ourselves on the vast supply of Halloween candies that she came back with… Then we went to the park and bumped into some neighborhood kids and they built a sand castle — probably the last of the year as it’s getting quite chilly.

We also picked up some more wood panels for painting… I’m working on an Opium Den painting. It’s another small painting, by my historical standards anyway. As I mentioned, I’m moving toward doing more of that size because it’s easier to deal with for shipping and also for normal, modest-sized homes.

It banishes melancholy, begets confidence, converts fear into boldness, makes the coward eloquent, and dastards brave. Nobody, in desperate circumstances, and smiling under a disrelish for life, ever laid violent hands on himself after taking a dose of opium, or ever will.
John Brown
Elementa Medicinae

Heroin is very addictive but does not itself cause any serious illnesses, nor does it harm any organs or tissues.
Dr Ben Goldacre
Methadone and Heroin: An Exercise in Medical Scepticism

Eyeball Demon Animation

I was asked yesterday to show people my eyeball tattoo, so after warning them it was somewhat grotesque (it’s a totally 3D bump) I showed it off… I made this animation yesterday wondering about what if it wasn’t a cyst of tattoo ink, but some sort of botfly — Aliens — creature was gestating its larvae inside my body… I was going to link to the articles on my eyeball tattoo, but it seems that they’ve been deleted from ModBlog along with all my articles. Oh well.

This is all hand drawn by the way and about 300 frames.


I did a nice big update on This Peanut Looks Like A Duck (and added the t-shirt). Off to school shortly to serve pizza lunch at Nefarious’s school, and then I have a couple days off from parenting because her mom is visiting for a the weekend to take her out trick-or-treating… Maybe I’ll spend another day annoying the neighbors by having people over for a loud Rock Band party…?

Find The Viking

So I was looking at this Icelandic site that’s a protest about the UK using some sort of anti-terror legislation in a political/economic dispute with Iceland over their banking troubles (visit the site if you care about the details)… It’s lots of photos of folks from Iceland holding up signs that say things like “We Are Not Terrorists” But this photo really cracked me up…

Hmm… Which one of these people has the most Viking blood in them?