Friday, November 21, 2008
These server problems/interference/whatever suck! Nice timing, eh, when I’m working to promote the new book…? Please pass on that this book is available. My voice isn’t as loud as it used to be, so the help is very much appreciated.
Last week someone tried to make a post from NYC* with a fake UK address slagging my paintings (ie. they were just posting to be rude and trying to hide who they were; I don’t let through anonymously posted rudeness)… If I remember right it was a general “this sucks, no better than a doodle, this isn’t art” sort of insult. I thought it was a little funny because I’m perfectly capable of doing a “technical” painting, but it’s my strong feeling that the role of an artist is not to paint what they see, but to paint how they see. Of course there’s a place for more visually literate story-telling in art, but for me, I prefer trying to communicate the way I feel about the world — bright colors, simplified forms and characters, a slightly “off” construction, a sense of joy and childishness, and a cartoonish sloppy haze of psychedelia.

* I’ve been asked to mention for the rumormongers that this was not my ex, who was in LA at the time! It was “someone” from IP
Thursday, November 20, 2008

I’m very happy to announce that after working like a maniac for a few days, I’ve managed to get 460 pages and 240,000 words laid up in this compendium of past interviews that I did for BME between 1995 and 2008 (all the interviews except stuff that’s male-genital oriented, since that’s in a different project). Especially since BME has chosen to take this material offline, it makes a wonderful book to own — or gift.
The really good news is that it’s only $19.99 in softcover and you can also get it as a hardcover for $34.99, and if you visit the book page here, you can download the PDF for free as well. Thanks again everyone for helping produce and support this project.
Please pass on that this book is available!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Since we had a nice little snowfall today and it was cold enough to stay on the ground, Nefarious and I did some evening sledding as the sun set behind the hill. We sprayed the bottom of our two-person inflatable sled with Pam, so we built up serious speed and had some equally serious wipe-outs, with each of us rolling head-over-heels and landing in the thistle patches at the bottom… Then some snow angels and a big lasagna supper.
The perfect day, and it gets better — I am 99.9% finished with the interview book project, so I actually think I’ll be able to post that for sale and download later today! Check back! This means that it will be ready in time for Christmas as well.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I’ve been working like a madman to get all these old interviews compiled into a book, and it’s going quickly and very well. It’s currently running a bit over 450 pages, but the good news is that it may still come in at under $20 because this is a black and white project since it’s almost all text. I was really surprised it was that long — 450 pages of small type (and I’ve left out quite a few interviews as well to put in a future book)! My hope is to have it up within the week.
Went to Rain Forest Cafe yesterday, giving in to someone’s excited “can we sit by the elephants” begging… this is her best “they’re so scary” face. As if she’s scared of anything!

It’s finally starting to get a little colder here. Snow falls every few days, but it’s still not cold enough for it to stay unfortunately… Nefarious and I are dying to go sledding, since the place we moved to is literally right next door to the best sledding hill on this side of the downtown. I love going to the park in the winter too because it’s pretty much empty so we can mess around in whatever nutty way we want without bothering any other parents.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I just got a copy of the 2009 art calendar that I’m selling (although this one is 2008, but that’s another — and a corrected — story). I wanted to post quickly about it for people thinking either about ordering mine, or even making one of their own. Briefly: DO IT!!!
The calendars are absolutely huge, with crystal clear printing (nice and bright, although not over-saturated, with deep blacks) on seriously thick textured linen paper. They’re really gorgeous. When I did it up, I was like “who’s gonna pay $29.99 for a calendar?”, but now that I’ve seen how stunning they are, I think it’s worth every cent.
Here are some high res photos.