Monday, November 24, 2008
I’m working on my “just crawled out of my cave” look. I think it’s going well.
My new painting is on canvas, as I’m recycling some old paintings and scribbles that aren’t worth preserving. I’ve been mostly working on wood panels lately, which I far prefer… I don’t enjoy the texture of canvas, nor do I enjoy the “give”, and least of all I like how fragile they are — I like that I can toss around the wood panels and not worry that something I put it on is going to permanently deform the surface. I’m also experimenting a little with white-lining… so far I like it.
I may not post for a couple days so as to keep the new book on the front page.
Don’t think I have forgotten about you… or not done anything worth posting!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Nefarious was jealous that I’ve been working on all these book projects, so before we got up (she was very bored this morning, having been checking on Caitlin and I every half hour from six-thirty onward… yes, we are very tired) she wrote this book and then had me use the computer to shrink the pages down so they could be bound into a mini-book for her dolls.
Kindergarten Writing Translation:
I am the queen.
I live in a castle.
I am a baby princess.
I am a witch. I am bad.
I am a princess.
The witch gave the princess a poison apple (“huuuuh…” — “die!”).
The princess falls into a deep sleep (“zzz… zz…”).
And the prince woke the princess.
And then they lived happily ever after.
Disney’s marketing team wins again!
She’s moved on to exercising now… Wii Fit has been quite the hit.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
The lighting was really nice today — “crispy” and overcast, with no glare — so I was able to get a couple good pictures of the latest two paintings. Because they were done with post-processing involving several layers of hard polymer tinted glazes, they’re very difficult to capture. You can click either of them to access a higher res version in my art gallery (hey, buy a 2009 art calendar if you’re not into my body modification interview book).

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Since everyone’s been asking me to add “The Lonely Tree” as a t-shirt, I’ve added it and one other design (below) to my shirts page. Both turned out pretty well I think…
Saturday, November 22, 2008
As Nefarious and the other kids get more experienced they’re able to work at a higher height and do some more ambitious work on the silks and the hoop and trapeze. Their normal teacher was out today, so Fernando was their teacher which also made the class a little more boisterous and high-flying I think! For those that are interested, they have classes for all ages — kids and adults — and the winter session starts at the start of January.