Late bedtime for a school night

Because Nefarious just has two nights left here before she has to visit her mother for a couple weeks for the holidays — although we have a wonderful beach vacation planned we’ll miss her like crazy — we’re packing in as much fun as possible… I promised her we’d go night skating so that was tonight’s plan. I’d hoped the fireplaces would be lit, but I guess they only do that on the weekends. I love skating up behind Nefarious as fast as I can and scooping her up by surprise and flying her through the air… but whatever we do, I always enjoy the skating.



Too Warm For Skating = A New Playground Discovered

We were going to go skating today but it was too warm so we drove past the rink and Nefarious passed out so I did a slow tour of the ports district, my favorite area of the downtown, while she slept. I discovered that even though the area is desolate and non-residential (ie. no kids live, play, or school anywhere near here), they’re just finishing off building an amazing playground with a massive “boat” play structure and a really incredible tensigrity climbing rig. It must have just been put up because the finishing touches like the portholes are still being cut. We also had sushi lunch at the awesome Asian T&T Supermarket down there, and afterwards Nefarious power washed my very, very muddy truck.

I had a terrible slip in the parking garage during our car washing, landing very unpleasantly on my hip… Thought momentarily I’d broken something but luckily my “indestructible with a few major exceptions” rule held and I felt better — and wetter — after a few minutes of lying in the muddy run off.

Cavalcade of Lights

Caitlin has a much better entry with a great picture of Nefarious and I on our “A+ Day.”

I love my family so much! I couldn’t wish for a better life.





Learning to Draw

I totally forgot about Nefarious’s trapese class this morning! Oops! But a good day anyway because on Caitlin‘s suggestion we went down to the ROM and did some life drawing. I think she did extremely well for a first attempt! Later it’s off to the fireworks, and I expect tomorrow we’ll go skating… I got long underwear to give myself a little more endurance for it.




God of the Rats

This is work on one of the book illustrations, which I’ve just started on and will finish over the next few week. The rats give periodic sacrifices to a rat snake that has become their colony’s “god”, and in exchange, the rate snake protects them from other predators.