I am gung

Caitlin and I did the last of our Christmas shopping today. I went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription and first they didn’t want to give it to me because I was doing the refill a few days early — even with my flight details, they can get in trouble without a specific doctor’s OK… And then after they agreed, they couldn’t fill my prescription because their bottle of Oxycontin had gone missing! That does not bode well for someone at the store, because they have to submit a pill count every 14 days. Blame the happiest pharmacist?

I miss Nefarious a lot! I hope she’s having fun on her trip so far. Long ago she had one of those doodle books where you play various drawing games, and it had a picture of a person and the instructions said, “say something sad”. This is what she wrote. I don’t know what it means but it cracks me up.


Teenage Me


Caitlin posted herself as a teen… On the right is me as a teenager as well (and here’s my drawing game entry). Yes, I made the clothes myself (sewed the jacket, modified the rest). That photo is from 1990 I’m guessing — age seventeen.


I’m so bored with Caitlin at work and Nefarious on vacation! On the advice of the Internet, I have decided to not wash my hair any more. I’m going to go conditioner-only for a month or so and see how it goes.

I like “anonymous confession” blogs (ie. PostSecret type stuff). Bad Mothers Anonymous has some real gems on it, although it would be nice if they created a “best of” list because a lot of them are boring. But some are nuts!

Two Weeks of Sleeping In

A couple days ago was Nefarious’s Christmas concert, AKA the only time you’ll find me in a church. Their class group sang five songs (two in French I think), and we also got to listen to a ear-tormenting string group, a recorder performance, and various other musical interludes. My camera isn’t too good in low light, let alone at a distance, so the kids have a certain “Children of the Damned” charm to them.


I think Nefarious had the most fun waving at us and making faces at me whenever she noticed the camera. Because it was her last night here, after the concert we had a “sleepover” — she has two beds in her bedroom — where we read books by flashlight and stayed up later than normal which was lots of fun.


The last day of the schoolyear was “pajama day” — since I picked her up after school and went straight to the airport, I’m sure many people wondered why she was wearing PJs for the trip. On one hand I think people will just assume it’s a dress, but on the other hand… no. I got her a tiny little movie player for the trip and loaded it up with kids movies… I hope she managed to figure out how to play a movie to pass the time. We sure are going to miss her while she’s gone! The house feels so empty, and I don’t know what to do with myself at suppertime.


And, I did some painting today and watched a pile of movies — and played the new country music update to Rock Band which I highly recommend. I’m not really very happy with this painting. I might re-do it. I might still make the decision to do the book illustrations as water colors because they take so much less time. The odds of that are actually very high — I’ll probably pick up some materials so I can paint/draw on the beach.


In the land of dubious achievements

I have a new game… It’s trying to get the lowest possible score in Rock Band while simultaneously trying to get the highest possible percentage. This was my first attempt — I’m sure I can do better/worse. Basically I play a bad note on purpose everything three or four good notes (playing more than ten in a row right is a “fail” in this game), staying in the red but without getting boo’ed off stage.

No, I’m not wearing pants. Why do you ask?


Edit/7PM: Scrub that — the “Going Country” pack just got released for PS3, so I’m downloading that now and will spend an hour driving Caitlin crazy.

So a couple days ago I asked Caitlin if I could make her a shirt for her blog, and she said, “sure, make one of me and subway Santa… so I did and I liked how it truned out, only to find out she was only kidding. Muses need to learn not to abuse their power, sheeeesh.


* Yes, I will gladly sell you one… Caitlin super-fans only!

Since we leave next week for Mexico, I of course lost my passport, leaving me rushing to get a new one. Thankfully that only takes 24 hours. Do you think the beard is a good way to keep facial recognition software from being too effective? It definitely makes me look like I’m on the run, that’s for sure.


Well, I guess I’ll go put some pants on — Caitlin recently bought me four new pairs, since all of mine were riddled with crotch-holes, popped buttons, and caked with paint — so I can run some errands before I pick up Nefarious from school and bring her to the airport so she can visit her mother for the holidays.

Crushed Frog Doodle Shirt

I was reading the Picture, J.W.E. blog and found some great pictures of dead frogs and it inspired me to create the t-shirt below. I haven’t had a chance to add it to my t-shirt shop yet officially, but if you click the picture you can order a copy now. By the way, if you order a shirt, I’d be thrilled if you emailed me a photo of yourself wearing it!


ADDED: Now it’s a series! Here’s another:


And one more:


Or maybe you would like all three on a single shirt? Sure, we can do that for you. The text is an in-joke between Nefarious, Catilin, and I. Enjoy. Now I’m going to bed. Designing shirts when I’m this tired makes me look bad.


Ahhhh, screw it. Here’s one last one:


Print on demand is the devil.