Long day today (and much longer for Rachel who's done most of the work)… Had a computer failure yesterday (on the machine that updates BMEvideo, so it will be a few days before the next update) and discovered that it's disturbingly difficult to make an NTFS boot disc (or CD-ROM) if you can't boot off your harddrive, but need to update a single file on it so you can (a core Windows DLL got damaged)… to be honest, Knoppix seemed like by far the easiest way to go, minus the big download that is.
We bought a new computer here (a 3.2Ghz VAIO), but it's not as simple as just plugging it in… It came with Mexican Windows, which means that every single interface is in Spanish, and there's no way to change that. And it came with only a modem, and no ethernet card installed, which was a surprise since that's one of those things you just “assume” is going to be there… Anyway, that's sorted out now. Other than that, we also had to do a bit of running around because I lost my FM3 (sort of like a Mexican green card) and had to go to the police station to file the appropriate reports and forms.
On to a couple things I've cooked in the past few days, starting with this experiment… It's nothing amazing, just a walnut, yellow pepper, zucchini, red onion, and cactus stirfry on sauce-fried noodles.

I made some chilli as well, which I managed to eat inside 30 hours.

Sorry I haven't been posting more!