Open letter:
Hey Vinnie Saletto! If you're going to knock off my artwork please at least credit me or throw me a link, dude… I don't really care that much if you're just using the wings, but it's kind of lame.

While I'm mentioning things that are lame, Fixie_Rider pointed out this this forum discussion slagging BME (and hotlinking some images, but I'm not so worried about that). I mention it here because it always cracks me up when self identifying “punks” are all conservative and closed-minded. What, is Machester full of babies that think Avril is punk?

Last night we went out for vegan food (there are a small number of vegetarian places), and happened to bump into Diego which was a really nice coincidence… I got to hear a lot of the internal political history of Mexico's privatization efforts which just seem incredibly corrupt and self-destructive. The more I travel the more it seems that the quality of life and strength of economy in a nation is almost singularly determined by the level of corruption inside the government.
I'm cringing a little linking this because it's way out in conspiracy land, but what if Bush is dying?

The largest doomsday cult in the world has successfully placed an operative into the controlling position of the world's largest military power, and that operative has only a short time left to live (and thus complete his mission).
Let me remind you that the White House has systematically refused to release the President's inch high stack of medical records. The only medical records he's been willing to release are dental, and that was just to try and prove he wasn't AWOL.
Also, check out this “told you so” bombshell from Rumsfeld:
Here's what Rumsfeld said Friday: "I think all of us have a sense if we imagine the kind of world we would face if the people who bombed the mess hall in Mosul, or the people who did the bombing in Spain, or the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot down the plane over Pennsylvania and attacked the Pentagon, the people who cut off peoples' heads on television to intimidate, to frighten — indeed the word 'terrorized' is just that. Its purpose is to terrorize, to alter behavior, to make people be something other than that which they want to be."Several eyewitnesses to the crash claim they saw a "military-type" plane flying around United Airlines Flight 93 when the hijacked passenger jet crashed — prompting the once-unthinkable question of whether the U.S. military shot down the plane.
Oops! Next he's going to tell us the Pentagon was hit by a missile.
What is that, like when WIRED magazine prints a little “undo” a few issues later that no one notices after the print some typically inaccurate junk? Oh yeah, while I'm writing bitchy open letters, here's another:
Hey WIRED magazine! On page seventy of your December issue you write the following:
"the first American guy... to get a [JewelEye] implant was Nashville musician Christopher Robin..."
While it's true that Mr. Desperate-to-save-his-career may well be the first American “guy” if you want know that not only is he not the first American to have it done (that would be my wife, nor is he even the second — that would be Island Allman (as in Greg Allman's daughter) — but I suppose he is the first American “guy” if you want to play the chauvinistic game of discarding anything that women do.
Yeah, that's right WIRED, I still haven't forgiven you for leaving my name out of “The Web's Next Killer App” as the head of the development team for the world's first Internet casino. Credit where credit is due please!
Anyway, I'm blabbering and have to go do some work!