I hate the American Medical System (but love jewelry!)

For the last week or so my daughter, who’s currently spending some time with her mom (Rachel) in Virgina, has been having a sore belly on and off and throwing up. She didn’t have any other symptoms but we figured it was prudent to go see a doctor — and it’s good that we did because the initial assessment is troubling and they have to do some further xrays with tracer chemicals and so on. If the bills keep climbing then she’ll be back here sooner than expected since healthcare here is single-payer/public (ie. paid for with taxes rather than privately)… And it’s nuts. With just a few doctors and a few tests, the bills have already approached $5000 (for a variety of reasons insurance didn’t/couldn’t happen this past while). It’s insane and offensive. Luckily I have the money to be able to pay for this — although I wouldn’t if the numbers got much higher — but I know there are many people choosing between the health of their family and the health of their finances.

And what really gets me is that overall, the American public seems to think this is a good idea… And what’s worse, even if they didn’t, there doesn’t seem to be any political way to convert America to a single-payer public system. Who could someone even vote for to make this happen? It makes me incredibly mad and incredibly sad at the same time, and now that I’m actually caught up and victimized by it, it’s really upsetting personally as well. That said, I also have a minimum of $500 a month in prescription fees for my own medical problems… I know that’s not much, but it still has to be paid, because for some bizarre reason that I can’t figure out, in Canada prescriptions — which are legitimate and unavoidable medical costs, right? — are not covered (neither are eye appointments, glasses, or dental appointments, but that’s a whole new debate).

Anyway, more positively, I was able to pay these bills quickly to a large extent because of sales from my Etsy store giving me a small fluid float of cash that I was able to quickly send down to Rachel to appease the doctors. One of the thing that makes it all even more offensive to me is that the hospital was refusing to do potentially life-saving scans without 80% of the fees being paid up-front. I know that almost every American I know can tell me a horror story that’s a million times worse than what I’ve just described, but still, this should not happen in a so-called “first world nation”.

Thank you again to everyone who has supported my Etsy shop. And it may surprise you to hear me say this but thank you as well to everyone who has continued to support BME after I left since ultimately that money does at least partially support my daughter. But I wanted to mention, in positive news, that I made some very cool new additions to my Etsy shop (especially in the zombie rings category because I’ve improved some old designs with new stone-mounting skills I’ve learned) that I wanted to mention here. As always, my “PAY WHAT YOU CAN” policy remains in place, where you can optionally apply up to a 50% discount if you need it. As much as it’s important to me to make money to, among other things, pay medical bills, it’s also important to me as an artist to get my work into (or “onto” in the case of rings!) the hands of people who appreciate it.

Click the pictures to jump to the relevant shop page:

Blue Zombie Eye Ring
Whoever heard of a blue-eyed zombie? Made using a chrysocolla.

Moonstone Zombie Eye Ring
That’s more like it… looks like an ethereal cataract!

Mummified Zombie Ring
This gaunt character has a pair of pyrite (fool’s gold) eyes.

The Brainiac Maniac Zombie
Caitlin’s exact words: “THAT RING IS PSYCHO!!!”

Half-Head Zombie Ring
I’ve used a pair of glossy 8mm black onyx cabochons as eyes.

Malachite Jester’s Mask Ring
This itsy-bitsy ring is for the daintiest fingers I make stuff for.

Lego minifig with Star Ruby
Since people keep asking, I made another one…

That’s all I added today, but I actually made much more than that because I had some commission work and orders to put a final polish on as well, so it was a busy but successful day. I think I’m pretty good at channeling stress into productive labor, and I can’t imagine a bigger thing to worry about than the well-being of my daughter.


  1. Steph wrote:

    That’s one of the only good things I can say about Quebec, is that we have a prescription plan in place for those who do not have private insurance or health benefits from work. Still have to contribute to that every month on top of the ridiculous taxes one already pays here but if you’re on a serious amount of meds, it’s helpful!

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 5:16 pm | Permalink
  2. Shannon wrote:

    GODDAMN those lego minifigs go fast!!!! If anyone else wants one drop me a line with the type of stone you want in it and I can do it as a commission piece.

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 5:17 pm | Permalink
  3. tim wrote:

    Missed the lego minifigure again. I WILL buy one of your one-offs someday! Please keep making them!

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 7:31 pm | Permalink
  4. Never pay full price for health care here in the US if you don’t have insurance. Those greedy bastards love cash and if you have it… you can negotiate. I would call and say I can’t pay 5000 what can I pay, until you get a figure you like. It bloody sucks that things are like health are treated like buying a used car :/

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 11:03 pm | Permalink
  5. Leon wrote:

    I hope your daughter makes a speedy return to full health.

    For all its wastefulness and incompetencies, the National Health Service here in the UK is actually pretty good. The US system just seems horrific.

    Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at 11:09 pm | Permalink
  6. Rachel wrote:

    Thanks again, Shannon. I really appreciate your help.

    AlexAugustus: Unfortunately, we are paying the cash price. I’ve had to do the haggling over pricing at hospitals/doctor’s offices for the past 5 years due to my MS and am well aware of the insane pricing discounts they offer for cash payments versus insurance. Maybe if hospitals didn’t gouge insurance companies for more than double what they charge “cash patients” then insurance in the US would be more affordable!

    Hopefully we will have some news after today because this “not knowing” thing stinks! It gives me flashbacks of when I was going through the diagnostic process for 6 months before being diagnosed with MS. I remember how relieved I felt to finally know what was wrong and I desperately want to know what is making our baby girl sick! :(

    Thank you to everyone who is helping out. I’ve always loved Shannon’s art and the new stuff he’s doing is great. I’ve got a couple of key chains and rings and they’re awesome.

    Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 1:45 am | Permalink
  7. Kathy wrote:

    In Ontario there is the ‘Trillium Fund’ which helps people who have consistent, large medical bills. I believe they are listed on the web.I looked into it when your father was faced with ongoing large bills for appliances. The American situation is 3rd world and affront to a country that calls itself civilized.

    Friday, May 18, 2012 at 7:04 am | Permalink
  8. Kathy wrote:

    There is a program in Ontario that will cover ongoing high medical expenses -
    Trillium Drug Program (with a rather dire web site name …

    Friday, May 18, 2012 at 10:26 am | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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