One day I know we’ll meet again

As my most recent tattoo makes pretty obvious, I am so excited about the release of what may well become the definitive “Space Nazis” movie, IRON SKY. Production completed recently and it premieres in three days at the Berlin film festival — I’m jealous because my friend Saira just told me about another friend of hers that’s actually there. Theatrical release is at the start of April, but I have no idea what the Canadian schedule is. Here is the latest trailer, as well as a promo for the film festival. Both are highly enjoyable. And of course you can’t go wrong with Udo Kier als der Raumführer (oder der Mondführer?), to say nothing of a soundtrack by Laibach. Amazing how far the Energia guys have come from Star Wreck!

I do recommend you take the time to watch it fullscreen, at the best quality setting you can, and of course with the sound on.

I downloaded these (and other videos of theirs — there are lots of production diaries and so on, in part because this is partially a community-driven and financed film), which they make available in resolutions as high as 1080p (the movie was shot on the Red camera) using the incredibly easy and useful keephd, a simple website for simplifying the downloading of Youtube videos in various formats — the MP4 files play natively on my PS3 on our ancient 60″ TV (thankfully though it’s young enough to be the first generation of TV that was properly HD capable, so the image is very nice).

What I am not so excited about is losing another credit card to fraud. Apparently someone tried (unsuccessfully) to buy $308 dollars worth of jeans yesterday using a cloned card. No damage was done to my accounts, but now for the third time in as many months, I have to wait a week while they send me a replacement. I’m glad that their heuristics catch fraud so easily, but I’m not glad that their security is so troubled that it has to show its algorithmic worth so often! So another card is cut in half…

Speaking of technology failing me, I’ve also noticed that my phone seems to be disconnecting from the network for hours — as long as a day — at a time. I don’t know if it’s a network issue or if it’s more related to how many times I have dropped the phone. The latter is more likely. Other than that, I got back my first blog-to-book test print, and it looks amazing. I’ll post an entry just about that some time soon.


  1. HJP wrote:

    You have a card with the swipeless capability – there’s a reader a person can carry that logs cards when they get close enough and hack the accounts. Not sure if this is the reason you are having issues but I would see if they have a card without the swipeless key built in. Also, I have had a waiter at a restaurant write down my card number and the 3 digit code on the back and use it to pay two bills online. A very stupid move as it was very trackable and since I check my account often I knew it was not mine. I called the bank and they froze it for investigation, it took 24 hours to get the money back in the account, and then 2 weeks for my new card to arrive. I now memorize my 3 digit code on the back and then take a knife and scratch it off to the point you can’t read it from the front. I have even had a few cashiers look twice at it and try to figure out what it is before giving up – so I know it works.

    Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at 11:54 pm | Permalink
  2. HJP wrote:

    I got bored at work tonight – found this website for you about the rf chip issue and thought you might be interested –

    Thursday, February 9, 2012 at 2:38 am | Permalink
  3. HJP wrote:

    One more – Mythbusters were even involved, too bad they couldn’t aire that episode due to threats….

    Thursday, February 9, 2012 at 2:44 am | Permalink
  4. Sean wrote:

    Looks like Timo Vuorensola is doing an AMA on reddit right now:

    Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 11:21 am | Permalink
  5. Angelica wrote:

    Odd, my partner’s and my phones have also been disconnecting from our personal network recently. Wonder what’s up with that.

    Thursday, February 16, 2012 at 11:24 am | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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