Great Videos, Great Rings

I’ll start with a video, then some promo, then another video. I want to begin with an animated version of Munch’s famous painting “the scream” (set perfectly to Pink Floyd). It’s a weird sort of not sure if it’s a nightmare or just a weird dream experience that I feel like I can relate to. Some of the neurological effects of the calcium building up in my brain include prosopagnosia, micropsia, and macropsia, specific distortions in my ability to connect the visual information my brain is getting to the correct internal symbology… Other than the obvious, mundane “what’s happening”, it’s hard to describe how it feels, but I’ve gotta say this video feels like it grabs a bit of that sense of unease and creeping suspicion that something is not quite right about the world.

Of course, I’ve done such massive quantities of acid while listening to that song that it does always make me feel a little strange. University was an unhealthy or at least dangerous time for me, albeit a period of great growth.

Now I also must promote that I have finally popped the last dozen skull rings that I’ve made, all special in one way or another, into my Etsy shop. The first one in the picture set has a pair of star sapphire cabochons for eyes and they look amazing. The next two in the top row are my “failed” prototypes from the women’s sizes, so they’re in a size 7 and 7.5 if I remember right — the one has sort of a mutant mongoloid look, and the other one makes me think of an alien in Mars Attacks with those big moonstone eyes. They’re the only ones I’ll be making in the short term because I have to fix the molds (that’s why they’re wonky). Click the picture to jump to the shop’s skull ring section for more info.

I will try and add some soap and candles and more stuff tomorrow.

Finally I wanted to end with one more video that I thought was great, this dystopian surfing through the apocalypse video… It really makes for an amazing movie trailer or teaser piece, but it seems to be just something that a guy made to show off his skills (or to promote a camera, I’m not sure).

And now to make a phone call for a reservation so I can take Caitlin out to dinner!

One Comment

  1. Cody wrote:

    You are totally right about that B-TAT guy. . . i knew right from the pig tattoo that he wouldnt last. . . But im not so sure about the whole ami james thing. His style is traditional, both americana and japaneese. . . as a tattoo artist myself, id say hes a damn good tattoo artist and a good all-around shop owner

    Saturday, January 21, 2012 at 11:07 pm | Permalink
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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