Our lives… not another Arduino video

First, I forgot to mention Caitlin‘s birthday — and I forgot to take a picture of the cake that Nefarious and I made for her before it was mostly eaten. Nefarious was in charge of stirring and also — of course — helped with decorations. I’m a little ashamed because it’s hugely inferior to the cakes that Caitlin has cooked for me (or for Nefarious). But I’m a lover, not a baker. Ha.


I chopped my finger with a razor cutting foam for my submarine… There’s blood everywhere, all over it. Nefarious took this picture of me and the project — the strips around the cabin are just scrap so I can see the shape. I’ll comment on this more elsewhere when I get the chance, but I’m thinking about pulling the panels off and starting over with a slightly different method as I’m finding it hard to get nice flat, smooth transitions with this method.


One of the nice things about having a concrete floor is being able to draw on the floor with chalk! I can’t wait until it’s just a touch warmer — and I’ve build a little “rope hook” for the garage door so it stays open — because then we can open this place up most of the time… The majority of our neighbors have their doors open wide all the time… It’s a pretty community-oriented building. Way more than anywhere else we’ve lived.


What else…? I tried to surprise Caitlin by getting a couple little goldfish to add to our (in need of cleaning) fish tub, but my surprise elicited no shock whatsoever as she instantly knew that I was the cause of the extra fish.



  1. Caitlin wrote:

    Did you think I would think Donna had babies?

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 5:35 pm | Permalink
  2. Kyle wrote:

    Now Im not a religious man but with your hair, beard, the shining light behind you and the sub… Im starting to have a feeling a flood is coming on.

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 5:45 pm | Permalink
  3. Denise wrote:

    I don’t know if you’ve seen it, as I’m sure there are many websites mentioning your eyeball tattoo experiment, but here’s another :


    The assume it’s to cover a defect… interesting.

    Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 8:23 pm | Permalink
  4. wlfdrgn wrote:

    Have you tried a hot wire foam cutter instead of razors? Sure, you can still burn yourself, but at least you won’t bleed, and I think you’re supposed to be able to get cleaner curves and angles.

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 3:55 am | Permalink
  5. George wrote:

    I would like to drop a brief comment regarding your blog in general. I have stumbled upon it by accident through long-winded chain of links while I was conducting a rigorous search of java-script games. But what I come upon was not merely a cleverly done game with code to spare (separate thank you for that) but a rather fascinating life of a man. Skipping all the praise, I wish all the best to you and your family, looking forward to more of your posts with opinions/developments/hobbies/technologies/and general goodies.

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 11:45 am | Permalink

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  1. Happiness is only real when shared. :: Non…fiction? on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 6:31 pm

    [...] around.  I had an enormous lunch at Swiss Chalet with my boss and then supper with my family and a beautiful cake. I might be making a trip to Montreal to see my sister soon, that will be [...]

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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