Nefarious and I have done a total of four hours of “hiking” in the last couple days — taking really long walks through the forest and climbing trees and so on. It's amazing how much wildlife we've seen… Today we were walking and saw a big brown rabbit in front of us, about the size of a large cat. It wasn't scared of us at all, and wasn't injured or acting strangely, other than being effectively tame which was strange to say the least. It hopped away leisurely and we walked behind it for about ten minutes… I actually think it might have been a pet rabbit that someone dumped in the forest, because I've never seen a wild rabbit behave like that.
We also watched geese stomping around in the half melted ice which was pretty funny, and they were really worked up in general and we saw quite a few violent fights between them also… Tons of birds were out, as well as the usual downtown beasts like ducks and squirrels and all that. Other than that, the yaks in the park really liked having their heads scratched.
I hope people enjoyed the Pig Latin on IAM this morning and didn't get too upset — I saw a couple pissy posts about it, haha, seriously, have a sense of humor and don't be so serious. The April Fools article was sort of last minute and I didn't predict just how hard it would be to Photoshop off a nose! I was kind of surprised anyone was fooled! Well, time to finish off the update I'm uploading tonight, play some five-button guitar, watch BB9, and go to bed.

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