Whew! What a forgetful day I've had. I locked my keys in my truck, so after Nefarious and I were done at the park we had to call a towtruck to pop my lock. After we got to the park we took a break to eat a bunch of cinnamon bread that Caitlin baked so it broke my normal key-handling rhythm I guess… I debated searching the park for bits to pop the lock, but it was already getting late.
A while back I drew up a bloody “remix” for the Hanya shirt designed by Johann by request — this one I believe is hitting the presses in the next few days (watch Ryan's page).

Anyway, I'm stuffed from spaghetti, and watching the primaries (looking good for Obama) until this crazy season of Big Brother 9 starts up again. Our theory for the various reality shows on right now is that the current agreed-upon formula for casting is to choose the dumbest A-types one can find to make “good” TV. Definitely one of the stranger BB and Survivor seasons…

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