Shrimp Empanadas

I made empanadas this evening with Nefarious, another really quick and simple meal. The dough I used is really similar to a pizza dough with slightly different spicing, and it was stuffed with cheese, refried beans, salsa, and many tiny shrimp (pre-cooked). Finally, baked for twenty minutes at 400 degrees and then served with guacamole and sour cream. It was eaten by all with gusto.

When Phil gets back from the wedding in Vancouver, I'm going to ask him to help me take much higher quality photos of my paintings because I'm ready to take the step to start selling work, doing commission work, and preparing for a gallery show, so I need to set up a site dedicated to that.
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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