Ontario Science Centre

…was definitely much more fun to go to than the ROM was… The ROM is kind of stuffy in comparison I think, even though a lot of the stuff at the Science Centre is just as dated these days in terms of not having been updated since I was a kid! To say nothing of the fact that the hyper-ugly “crystal” addition to the ROM has meant that half the exhibits have been closed for the past year…

But anyway, the OSS was fun:

They did have a display up though that I think sends out a bit of a mixed message… Now, I know what they were trying to say, but to me this says, “hey kids, if you want to be like a grown up, try smoking and wearing less clothes!”

I take transit everywhere these days. It's cheaper and often faster than driving, and less hassle… Plus you get to occasionally see goofy things like this monster truck that was driving around to promote Popeye's Chicken or something like that.

Other than that, the quality of children's “educational” books sure does suck (note: I didn't buy this one). Not only are they dumbed down like crazy — so much so that I think kids may get stupider reading them — but they don't even make any sense. Could you do the puzzle below?

The correct answer for every one is purple by the way (and you're not allowed to circle more than one, and all of your answers have to be the same on every page). Real great idea, hiring a color blind designer to do a book on colors for kids…
Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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