I made a shrimp bahmi goreng last night (I grew up eating nasi goreng; this is sort of the same thing but noodles). I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out well or not when I was making it but the result was excellent and I'll cook it again for sure!

The images from the 28th will be in tonight's update, and should appear between the updates from the 31st and the 30th so they won't be missed, even though it makes the sort order a little wonky visually.

For now I am stuck in a (relatively nice) house in Toronto, although the service station down the road — I think they're to blame — has had some sort of contamination problem lately and the whole neighborhood has smelled of gasoline, giving me a headache, for the past week.
Anyway… I've got to get a bunch of images together for the folks from Bizarre. They're doing a big feature on BME in one of the next issues. I'm told it's quite lengthy so I'm looking forward to that — hopefully I'm quoted accurately and didn't say anything too bad, ahaha! I can't remember what I said that could possibly have even filled as much text as I'm told there is. We did the interview either right before or right after my surgery so I was in a ton of pain and in a weird headspace, so fingers-crossed it wasn't embarrassing!
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