(Wood)-Work in Progress

This is my latest carving with the router (about two hours of work, cut into a 3/4″ red oak board)… I may use plastic wood to change a few details in the face (the nose, which looks good in this picture, looks weird in real life) but I'm not sure yet, and the lettering didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped, but all in all, it's not bad for my very first sign project. I'd love to have a 3D-scanner to augment what I can do. Anyway, later today, after her nap, we'll probably paint it and hang it up on her door…

Once I get the hang of it, I will start doing commission pieces, because I really, really want to pay this tool off and buy a bigger one. This one can do some really wild stuff, but if I get the bigger one (which is about $10k, versus $2k for this one), then I can do things like carve boats and car bodies and crazy no-limits stuff like that!

Well, I'm going to take advantage of naptime and have a bath!

Wow Shannon, that's really annoying! What is it, 1997 on Geocities? Retroweb is NOT cool!

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